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Author Topic: Rash vs Belmonte  (Read 19853 times)


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Rash vs Belmonte
« on: March 31, 2013, 09:40:18 PM »
I do not know why this happened, but ever since the bottle incidents, I had this bad feeling about Belmonte. I didn't like him; I thought what he did was bad. I thought he did it intentionally no matter what he said to the contrary.

Lately, I'm not sure why but the more I see him, the less I feel positive about Rash.

It reached a culmination today when I watched the TOC. I don't know why but today Rash seemed the ultimate sack of sh*t and Belmonte seemed more like a human being with feelings who was trying to  .. do the right thing?

Probably just an emotion, with no real truth to the matter.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."



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Re: Rash vs Belmonte
« Reply #46 on: June 01, 2013, 06:52:02 PM »
Belmo is a class act. Period. Back in his first season on the PBA... was it 1998? the year that the PBA gave him Commissioner's Exemptions... I spoke to him in person about the fairness of him earning an exemption (remember the exempt tour?) because of the favoritism he received... Jason advised me that had already let the PBA/fellow players know that he would not accept an exemption based on points. He told me he would only accept an exemption if he earned it with a win. Which is exactly what he did.

Regarding Bottlegate -- those new plastic bottles (are they made with plants or something?) -- as soon as you open the lid, and the pressure is released, they crinkle like they're made of tinfoil. And does anyone really believe that Jason Belmonte needs to play head games to beat anyone on the tour?

Rash is a great bowler. A class act he is not. And as for Sara Rash... she is the perfect mate for Sean. Keep it classy Sara.

This whole controversy is because of jealousy. Some fans don't like Belmo because he unfairly uses 2 hands. Get over it. Even worse, some fans don't like him because he isn't American. Get over it.