That is a good idea as well. It might be possible to do a "season" of singles tournaments and then a "season" of team events. That might work out even better as you can have the WSOB and the few live tournaments up front, then do a taping of the team tournaments at a second location at one point and have the shows ready to run. Then do a Live finals of the team event so no one knows who wins. The alternating weeks idea was just a thought to showcase both types of bowling throughout the season.
LGD, I can't say for sure on anyone. But yes, WRW, Duke, and a few others didn't seem as into it as say PDW. It just may be there personalities didn't shine through in what we saw. Both of those players personalities are not usually "on" from the first ball. Duke gets fired up as the game(s) get going, same with WRW. Guys like PDW are "on" the minute they step into the center, so it comes across more when they only have 2 frames on the lanes.
I agree I would like to see more regional players particitpate as well. Maybe get the high point winner in each region automatically on a team....or top 2 if needed to fill out all the teams. I would also like to see a rule where the teams should have to change out players after each game. For example, you have a roster of 7-8 players, and every game can only have 3 of the same players from the games before. That way everyone gets involved, and it throws some strategy into the mix....maybe you sit one of your better players the first game so you have them available for the title match, etc. Just ideas to help expand on the team concept which seems to be a winner for the PBA at the moment, yours may differ and may be better, lol.