Here's the lowdown on how the Cheetah GENERALLY plays, but not always!!! (your mileage may vary -- it all depends on what surface you're bowling on, what kind of oil they use, how much of it they lay down, the weather that day, who you're crossing against, if a butterfly in Timbuktu flaps its wings, etc.)...
The earlier your ball hooks, the further right it needs to get at the breakpoint to maintain the best entry angle into the pocket. Therefore, on a 35 foot pattern, the best way to get good entry angle is to play as close to the gutter as possible. Considering the higher volume of oil, and considering the driest part of the lane by far IS the 1-2-3 board area, you aren't likely to have much luck swinging it out to the spot and really coming around the ball. More than likely, you'll need to stand pretty far right and play it fairly straight up the gutter, rolling it up the back of the ball to avoid having the ball jump off the spot when it finds friction. What kind of ball surface you'll want on this pattern really depends on personal preference--some people like a ball with some surface (not too much though!) to even out the over/under, some people want something pearl to get down the lane and come up hard on the back. As the lanes break down and the oil carries down further, you may need to start playing the lanes differently.
That being said, if playing it straight up the gutter isn't working, don't be afraid to try something different. The lane conditions may require you to play a little deeper (in which case, the Cheetah can become a fairly difficult pattern!). It's all about finding what works best with your game.