Depends on your versatility. With a really aggressive ball, you can play up the ditch with end-over-end roll and get to the pocket. Just be sure to keep the fingers firm and the speed slower than normal. Walter Ray won in Rocky Mount, NC on this pattern. He shot 279 with a MoRich Weapon of Mass Bias in the semifinal match playing up 5.
Your other option is to play 4th-5th arrow, keeping the ball inside of about 12-14 at your breakpoint. You'll use a somewhat less aggressive ball than you would going up the ditch. Misses outside will not make it back and pulling the shot will leave you going through the nose.
In the title match in Rocky Mount, WRW changed his shot between the semifinal and final matches. He changed balls to a Total Shock and Awe and moved deep inside to the 5th arrow. His breakpoint was the in the same place as it was playing up 5 - and so was the result. He shot another 279 to win the tournament.
Happy bowling.
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