Debina and Fireguy, thanks for hitting me back up.
In all fairness, Walter Ray's 41st title tying Earl Anthony for the All time lead is awesome. I don't blame people for getting excited and posting it up.
It is a once in a lifetime event. Props go out to Walter.
I did watch the telecast, "Live," but in all fairness, some people come in here and see the posts only to have their day spoiled. I myself try to avoid ballreviews or any bowling related website if I miss the show in the morning. I'm just thinking about the other people out there that don't really think about it. Fireguy, you have a point, Tivo the damn show, but c'mon man, some people like this site a lot and don't even think about that stuff.
Just thought a spoiler thread would help since it was brought up in the past.
Take it easy y'all,
Food is good for you!