I watched this on TV(recorded, not live) and the thought that kept returning to my head is how this contest shows why bowling isn't an Olympic sport.
I know, I know, this will get some of us pissy and bent. So be it.
These guys are "the-best-in-the-world" at their sport, but can't perform at the top of their game for 120 seconds without becoming gassed? Come on, they weren't running, swimming, jumping, kicking or punching. The best I can recall is one set were a bowler(forget who) threw 22 shots in 120 seconds.[size=78%]
Of course, part of the problem was the pinsetters could not keep up, but the bowlers didn't appear to be able to throw 30 in two minutes anyway.
The proceeding is an opinion of the author. You have a right to your own opinion if you have one, including having an opinion that the author is a clueless, no talent, dumb-ass hack.
