Agreed even if I was still employed I'm not paying 130 for a year or 30 a month.
Not when it's only worth having the service when the pros are actually bowling.
I get the theory is you get access to the entire flow sports network. I however only care about the bowling. Full Moon features is like 70 a year drop flow down to that price, and I'll sign uo. My b onke pays 75, but his contract was with extra frame.Flow sports is honoring his contract.
Flow sports needs to add an option where you can pick just the bowling. If you want the other sports you upgrade to the full package. None of the other sports on the flow sports network interest me enough, and 130 a year or 30 a month is too much just for the PBA bowling.make it 75.00😎
I mean crime sakes flow sports network is more then HBO Max. I don't have HBO Max either, but that is a better value then the flow sports Network.🙄