I guess I just don’t understand why it’s boring to watch bowlers at a high skill level trying to figure out a way to knock more pins down than their opponent regardless of what angle or ball they choose to use but then again I don’t average 240 like the experts on this site
It isn't just this site, and that is no offense to anyone on this site.
What I mean is that it is the (western) bowling world in general. Most are used to now seeing big hooking balls or two hands being used to attack the pattern on the lanes with various angles. Seeing the ball that hooks or has the highest revs is what generates the excitement.
But when that has to be toned down and everyone throws the same line, that excitement is lost for the sake of consistency. It's that consistency and repeating the same thing over and over week after week (using the same line if it called for it) that got WRW, Liz Johnson, and others all those titles. It isn't the eye candy that did it, but the strategy and mental game needed to stay consistent.
That's why a lot of people (not on this site) get somewhat offended by bowlers out of Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, or mainland China, when they helicopter spin the ball. They think that it's the dumbest thing they've ever seen and is only done by people who average no more than 150 and/or are 12 years old. What they don't realize is the strategy behind it, which is to take the pattern completely out of play, and do what you are saying: find the best means to knock down the most pins possible.
I still get a wry laugh at the back of my head when people are dumbfounded when they see that Marshall Kent lost to a spinner at the QubicaAMF World Cup when it was in Hong Kong. It wasn't that Kent bowled bad; he hooked the hell out of the ball, but it was hard to stay consistent with the pattern on the lanes. The spinner's strategy worked, in taking the pattern completely out of play and floating over it, letting speed and deflection do the work for him.
Some people think it's boring, but it comes down to the mental game at that point and what one would do to find a way to score better than their opponent.