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Author Topic: pdw?  (Read 8068 times)


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« on: January 31, 2010, 04:55:15 AM »
look good against oneil what happend against wrw.... i would of hollered at the camera person also and said i few choice words off camera......i just think he need a ball change get away from the invasion... could probaby went straighter with weaker ball choice but that just me i wasnt there only what i see.
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Re: pdw?
« Reply #16 on: February 01, 2010, 10:50:23 AM »
Someone on another form said he was there and PW was complaining about it clicking however with these new cameras you can't really hear them unless you have super power for ears so it was just PW being a a** like he always is....I hope he keeps getting on tv and using the latest and greatest hook in the box from Storm and keeps getting his butt handed to him, it makes for great tv. I just curious because from what I heard he threw a Reing alot for qualifing so were was that ball at?


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Re: pdw?
« Reply #17 on: February 01, 2010, 11:02:57 AM »
It's not the balls, and it's not the layouts or his ball rep forcing him to use balls.  Schlemmer is not an idiot, he knows his stuff.  Prob the 2nd best ball rep to Rick Benoit.

His Storm guys believe in him, and his choices in equipment for them.  

It's all Pete, the issues come from this alternate persona that he has.  Its time he loses the d-bag act and just bowls with aggression.  He acts like a big pre madonna.  This isnt the feisty aggressive Pete Weber of the 80s and 90s.  Its the d-bag, entitlement version.
Macky Micky Mucky Mocky

Actually.  Yes.  It was the ball choice plain and simple.  Ever try to play 5th arrow with a pin down drilling on a dull solid coverstock?  The ball loses energy fast and has nothing left for the backend to carry corner pins.  Then, enter Fagan.  Shiny pearl cover, pin OVER his middle finger.  He had way more room at the breakpoint then PDW playing a similar part of the lane and his carry % was wayyy better.  If PDW tightened his line and got out to where Oneill was too quickly, the ball checked up at 30 feet.  He moved inside and the ball labored on the back BADLY.  It was ball choice my friend and it was horrible.  If he threw the Reign, it would have been a different story.
Steven Vance
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Re: pdw?
« Reply #18 on: February 01, 2010, 11:06:45 AM »
I heard the clicking of the shutter on the telecast.  Also, I would think that the flashing of the red scoreboard would reflect on the lane when they are bowling and make a distraction.  When they show the camera from behind the players down the lane, it always seems that they update the score in the middle of the players approaches which makes the scores flash off the lane surface.  And, he should have changed balls so that it wasn't crashing the pocket.
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Re: pdw?
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2010, 11:31:21 AM »
Yep - had to hit rewind on the DVR a couple times to make sure.  5 second time delays coming for bowling!!

Also, Did Ryan Shafer lay an F Bomb?

Doug Sterner

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Re: pdw?
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2010, 01:39:44 PM »
As I have stated in another thread on this topic,the manufacturers put pressure on the bowler to advertise their latest and greatest releases on the TV show every week. If the head honchos really cared about the pro then they would let him use whatever ball he wanted to for the TV show. If PDW threw a Reign all week then Storm should have let him throw the Reign on the telecast...HOWEVER what would happen then? The general population would be seeing PDW using a midline ball to compete on the PBA Tour! Oh my we can't have that!!!!

This was evidenced even more if you look at Ryan Shafer's ball of choice...a Virtual Energy?!?!?!? WTF is up with that??? He should never even consider picking up that ball...EVER! Did it not seem as though the ball was overreacting? Ya think??? Maybe a less aggressive ball would have helped? DUH!

Schlemmer should know better....match the ball to the pro and let them make the BRAND look good...forget about the individual ball model...make the brand look good and then putt he model choice in the pro shop guys' hands to pick the right ball Storm ball for Joe Bowler.

Am I wrong or would a Hyroad/Reign or Fast/Furious have been better choices for either of the Storm guys yesterday?

C-300 had a fit when David Ozio wanted to use a Blue Dot in the finals at the Mechanicsburg Open one year (he threw it all week and led the field by 500 pins)

Brunswick execs. had a coronary when Brad Angelo was using a Powergroove on TV the other year.

Remember when Walter Ray won a title using a Maxim a few years back?

Personally I think it's a feather in the cap for the manufacturer...."Hey, look at that! Our guy used one of our mid-price balls to whoop up on their guy and he was using their high end ball. Guess our mid-price stuff performs better than their expensive stuff eh?" The fact that it isn't 100% that simple is another story but it makes for great press :-)
Doug Sterner
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Dan Belcher

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Re: pdw?
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2010, 02:03:50 PM »
Am I wrong or would a Hyroad/Reign or Fast/Furious have been better choices for either of the Storm guys yesterday?
Actually, Shafer was using the Virtual Energy only on the left lane (the same lane where PDW was using the pin down drilled Invasion) and he DID throw a Hy-Road on the right lane.

Maybe the shot played tighter in practice before the show than it did all week? (Remember, the shot never plays the same on Sunday as it does the rest of the week. Heck, it never plays the same on Friday as it does on Thursday according to everything I've ever read!) If that's the case, they probably all liked the reaction they got with stronger equipment in practice. But after they burned up the lanes, they started to create an over/under look, and yet they didn't really feel confident changing balls? I wouldn't just immmediately put this one on Schlemer wanting his staffers to throw the new strong stuff.

Dan Belcher

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Re: pdw?
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2010, 02:16:30 PM »
Schlem usually writes a pretty detailed article about ball choice on the TV show each week. Maybe that will give us some insight.

Doug Sterner

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Re: pdw?
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2010, 02:21:27 PM »
I never said Chris Schlemmer was the one to blame. It's my opinion that Storm wants the new, high end balls used. It's Schlemmer's job to make the match ups.

Pete Weber has ALWAYS bowled better with lower level equipment....remember his days with AMF and the Bobcat?

Ryan Shafer also typically does better with rollier, less aggressive equipment (i.e. Tourpower, Tidalwave Wipeout solid, Shock Trauma).

The point here is the fact that the balls these guys had in their hands were not the ones for the shot. Pete's showing did nothing to improve the public appeal of the Invasion. The Mission looked like wayyyyyy better of a ball in Fagan's hands.

I would think that both Storm and Chris Schlemmer would be able to predict the fact that the lanes would break down and that both Pete and Ryan were going to have problems.

If it was a dictate by Storm to use the balls they did, shame on Storm for not knowing the strengths of their "employees".

If Schlemmer made the call, shame on him for not thinking ahead and playing the "what if?" transition game.

If the balls chosen were the choices of the bowlers then shame on them for not knowing their own games and the equipment capabilities.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
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Doug Sterner
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Re: pdw?
« Reply #24 on: February 01, 2010, 02:53:50 PM »
Ok I don't know what happen all week or know the Storm ball Rep but I don't see how you go from throwing a Reign all week and move to an Invasion. If the lanes were tighter wouldn't you go with the ROF or a stronger Reign. Just my opinion here but I bet the Mission winning last week and having the #1 spot this week had something to do with picking the new release by Storm but I could be very wrong.


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Re: pdw?
« Reply #25 on: February 01, 2010, 03:18:56 PM »
Yep, he's a real nothing.  Just look the last two weeks he only made one broadcast and missed another by 1 pin.  Do any of you people have any idea just what it takes to compete at the level that PDW and WRW do at such advanced ages?

It was my impression from what was said that it was a professional photographer whose camera flashed.  If so, he certainly should have known better and deserved the chewing out he got from Pete and hopefully will get more grief from the PBA staff.

Wow,  you actually understood what he was writing...

But if what you say is so, { since I have not yet seen the show ] I agree with you...

Triple AAA+++.

jls       "Obama, you wanna see my truck"

Doug Sterner

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Re: pdw?
« Reply #26 on: February 01, 2010, 04:05:14 PM »
Those of you voicing your concern regarding my ignorance on this subject will be happy to know I have "spoken" with someone within Storm. He has provided me with an explanation as to why the choice was made and his explanation makes complete and total sense.

Apparently the manufacturers are indeed pushing the "make the brand look good, not the ball" mentality these days.

I remember the day when Norm Duke was with Columbia and Bryan Goebel was with Ebonite. The finals that day featured the Beast vs the Gyro Pro...a battle of who could win with the least expensive ball. Gotta love it.....

Again my apologies to the Storm faithfuls for the bad appears the bowling business may have a chance afterall...
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Lane 1 Buzzsaw...The Official Power Tool Of Bowling

For Real Time Interactive Bowling Conversation:

Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
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Re: pdw?
« Reply #27 on: February 01, 2010, 04:13:18 PM »
Well Blinky I was basing my information on what was previously known. I have several examples of where the corporate bigwigs have pushed their players to use the new and better mousetrap....even when it didn't benefit them to do so.

I see things have changed and I am glad to see the change.

'Nuff said....
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Lane 1 Buzzsaw...The Official Power Tool Of Bowling

For Real Time Interactive Bowling Conversation:

Doug Sterner
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Re: pdw?
« Reply #28 on: February 01, 2010, 04:21:42 PM »
Nobody is mocking your so called ignorance, but just trying to tell you (the pro shop) should have the latest and correct information.   That is just it.  Nobody faults you, as you did not know.  

Maybe you shouldnt of made two posts about how the companies push balls, with out being totally informed, because people on here respect you and will take what you say as truth.

Anyhow, its not a big deal at the end of the day.  You now know and you can help to inform other people who are in the dark about the bowling balls used.

Macky Micky Mucky Mocky

Edited on 2/1/2010 5:11 PM

Binky,  If Pete stayed with this ball too long, I can believe there was a reason...

If your company has just brought out a new ball, the last thing they probably want to see is you using an older model...

I remember when Barnes was with Brunswick... He hardly ever used their current ball... He was using some extremely weak entry level ball...

That didn't help sales for their new high end releases....

And since the bowlers using Ebonite's new Mission don't seem to be having a problem with it,  I can see why Storm MAY have wanted him to stay with the Invasion....

And are you saying that companies don't push their new releases...

Where you from....


Get real..
jls       "Obama, you wanna see my truck"


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Re: pdw?
« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2010, 05:58:43 PM »
So, bottomline, Pete failed on his own on TV, in his father's Memorial tournament, yet again. So, he's learned nothing from his father and contnues that "traditon", in his pitiful arrogance.

With his talent, he should have won more than 60 PBA tournaments by now. His arrogance and his disdain for his father's heritage are the sole cause of that failure.  Pathetic is the only word that comes to mind.

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Re: pdw?
« Reply #30 on: February 01, 2010, 06:20:24 PM »
If the manufacturers put soooo much pressure on these guys to use the up and coming or newest releases why was Ryan Shafer using a Hyroad and a Virtual Energy? Did he not care was the manufacturer thought or "told" him to do? If they do indeed get bonuses for winning the tourney with the newest ball, did he not care to get that money??
   I think some of you guys are ridiculous with some of this stuff, Weber didn't have a good look really all day.
   Congrats to Fagan he bowled great all week and was more than well deserved for the win.  I think now that he's won his first singles title he's gonna go on a tear.