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Author Topic: pdw?  (Read 8066 times)


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« on: January 31, 2010, 04:55:15 AM »
look good against oneil what happend against wrw.... i would of hollered at the camera person also and said i few choice words off camera......i just think he need a ball change get away from the invasion... could probaby went straighter with weaker ball choice but that just me i wasnt there only what i see.
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Re: pdw?
« Reply #46 on: February 02, 2010, 03:58:18 PM »
I know Mr. Pacman Ghost.... He and I are good pals, and to anyone who thinks negatively, he is a fine bowler and competes at the regional level. He is also very knowledgeable and generally a very friendly, decent chap, however, it would appear jls attacked first, thus inciting the thread this has become, that's all, thanks.
Brett Pro Staff is "Loaded" with Incentives.

TIDWAP... Assemble!!!

Well your good pal had no problem calling Doug Ignorant...

Maybe you would like to explain why just about everyone on the shows for the last 6 weeks have been using the new releases...

Your friend Dinky has been ducking this question...Yet he bash's Doug and myself for saying that the ball companies do indeed benefit from their new releases being used...

It is a simple question,  buy Dinky has no answer, so all he does is bash...

And then he must have called you to come on and help him...

I took the time to clearly point out that ball companies do not benefit when an old DQ ball is used... The Barnes example many years ago...

But dinky can't address that, and all he is capable of doing is posting stupid talk...

Now maybe you would like to address that...


Is it because they match up to the shot.... Or could it be that it makes good BUSINESS sense to have their new releases seen on TV...

Especially since many of their old models are out of production...

Now I don't know you, but I do know that Dinky is not able to address the topic...

He would rather just attack people in the business...

your turn to reply
jls       "Obama, you wanna see my truck"


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Re: pdw?
« Reply #47 on: February 02, 2010, 04:22:27 PM »
It's not the balls, and it's not the layouts or his ball rep forcing him to use balls.  Schlemmer is not an idiot, he knows his stuff.  Prob the 2nd best ball rep to Rick Benoit.

His Storm guys believe in him, and his choices in equipment for them.  

It's all Pete, the issues come from this alternate persona that he has.  Its time he loses the d-bag act and just bowls with aggression.  He acts like a big pre madonna.  This isnt the feisty aggressive Pete Weber of the 80s and 90s.  Its the d-bag, entitlement version.
Macky Micky Mucky Mocky

Wow,  How many titles has Pete won.... Using Storm equipment....

And how many has his tour rep won.....

Now this sure seems to be The First POST to come on and attack...

Tell that to your buddy who you had to call to help you...

Then later you bash Doug and called him Ignorant.

I guess your buddy missed that also...

And when I posted agreeing with Doug,  you attack me...

Now it is true,  I did ask where you were from...

But I thought that was a good honest question...

Cause your so naive at things in the RETAIL world... I just figured you must be from MayBerry....

jls       "Obama, you wanna see my truck"


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Re: pdw?
« Reply #48 on: February 02, 2010, 04:42:19 PM »
correct me if i'm wrong but i thought for sure i seen the VE being thrown....

Thats not a "new release".. At the rate these balls are being pumped out its about retired.

How can throwing the Invasion in the match against WRW show how good the ball is.  To me it looked like a turd.

why on earth would he be throwing the latest "hook monster" when a VE or Regin would have been better.

The mission isn't a "heavy oil ball" and look what it did. (2 shows in a row).

either PDW had something to try and prove (to himself or what), he ws going to get an extra pay check, or he has lost the what it takes to make a good ball choice for the tv shows.  shomewhere it was said he threw a regin in the earier (no tv) rounds. If it worked then why not for tv....


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Re: pdw?
« Reply #49 on: February 02, 2010, 05:03:10 PM »
I guess the new releases thing kinda depends on what they see in practice, and what they've used throughout qualifying and match play... personally I don't think companies push certain balls for TV, but then again I am not on tour and ppl will generally tell you what you want to hear, so it is what it is I suppose. I personally don't use any "new" releases at all on the PBA patterns, my stuff is all within the past year, year and a half, but by no means has it "just released" and I seem to get a reaction that is perfectly fine out of my equiptment, of course execution is a whole different story :-P

As for calling Doug ignorant, I don't think he was trying to say it in a demeaning way, he just chose poor wording, I think he was trying to say that without personally talking to someone with a said company, one shouldn't make general assumptions, but it's ok, I think he and Doug cleared the air on that one.

I don't actually post on here as much as I would like because it seems that many are not too keen on constructive criticism, even when said politely, and for the most part if someone doesn't see something perfectly like someone else, a war of words ensues, I think if everyone here just took the time to read what everyone thinks, and takes it in and thinks about it, whether they agree or not, we can all provide constructive advice, and learn a lot more. That's all.
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Re: pdw?
« Reply #50 on: February 02, 2010, 05:06:26 PM »
correct me if i'm wrong but i thought for sure i seen the VE being thrown....

Thats not a "new release".. At the rate these balls are being pumped out its about retired.

How can throwing the Invasion in the match against WRW show how good the ball is.  To me it looked like a turd.

why on earth would he be throwing the latest "hook monster" when a VE or Regin would have been better.

The mission isn't a "heavy oil ball" and look what it did. (2 shows in a row).

either PDW had something to try and prove (to himself or what), he ws going to get an extra pay check, or he has lost the what it takes to make a good ball choice for the tv shows.  shomewhere it was said he threw a regin in the earier (no tv) rounds. If it worked then why not for tv....

Sir, the Mission is for med heavy to heavy oil...2000 a pad oob...

And maybe the success the ball had the last two shows had some bearing on why he used the Invasion...

The Invasion is Storm's new Oil ball....And to my knowledge, had not made a show.....  Until Pete uses it... At least, I had not seen it used...

Now two weeks ago,  all the hype was on the new Storm release, the Invasion...

But since the Mission has won 2 straight events... The hype on the Invasion has cooled down... And the hype on the Mission is at an all time high....

Now this person Dinky,  seems to feel that Pete Weber is an idiot when it comes to bowling...  Yes he may be cocky... But I think he does know how to bowl...

And for whatever reason, he did use the Invasion...  

I think what Doug and myself are saying is,  yes it could be possible Storm wanted the exposure for this new release... Especially since the Mission is being used on the same shot......

This dinky person once again has clearly shown his age... that be 9...

jls       "Obama, you wanna see my truck"


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Re: pdw?
« Reply #51 on: February 02, 2010, 05:10:40 PM »
I didn''t actually see the show this week, so I can''t say how the Invasion looked, but just speaking from knowing how PDW likes to play the lanes (inside) I think the Invasion was probably a poor choice, expecially on a TV pair which breaks down faster and differently. Now, I base this on what I have seen in person from the Invasion, that is, a smoother rolling asym ball, which when playing the inside, eh idk, would one not want a little more skid/flip ( Reign ). Idk Like I said I can''t personally say, and I will say yes PDW knows how to bowl, he''s on tour, I am not, but he is kind of a D-Bag, and I personally don''t like him much, but to each his own, right?

Upon edit, yes the Mission has huge hype right now, especially with how good Kelly made it look at the TOC, also Ebonite has been on the fade recently with the success of Malott and Storm/Roto in general on tour, but I think it''s good for Ebonite that may have a new great ball like the original One was, pending longevity of course which has yet to be determined.
Brett Pro Staff is "Loaded" with Incentives.

TIDWAP... Assemble!!!

Edited on 2/2/2010 6:12 PM


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Re: pdw?
« Reply #52 on: February 02, 2010, 05:19:27 PM »
I didn't actually see the show this week, so I can't say how the Invasion looked, but just speaking from knowing how PDW likes to play the lanes (inside) I think the Invasion was probably a poor choice, expecially on a TV pair which breaks down faster and differently. Now, I base this on what I have seen in person from the Invasion, that is, a smoother rolling asym ball, which when playing the inside, eh idk, would one not want a little more skid/flip ( Reign ). Idk Like I said I can't personally say, and I will say yes PDW knows how to bowl, he's on tour, I am not, but he is kind of a D-Bag, and I personally don't like him much, but to each his own, right?
Brett Pro Staff is "Loaded" with Incentives.

TIDWAP... Assemble!!!

Sir, I can't argue with that... I don't Like Barnes for much of the same reasons...   But I do know Barnes can bowl...He's not an idiot... He did have a problem adjusting last week.. But that does not mean he can't bowl....

Now more then likely Pete had the Invasion polished,  much like Mika had the Mission polished, and more then likely so did Fagan...

And since both new releases are similar,  I can't see why anyone would think that Pete was using the wrong ball...Maybe the results were not good... But The Mission seemed to work...

To me,  it could have been poor adjustments....

But once again... Go back about 6 shows...  Most of the balls used were new releases... That right there should tell you that the ball companies want them on the show.... Otherwise, they would not be used...

Dinky is nothing but a child trying to act like a man...

He's a sad little poor excuse for a human.....

BTW, how many titles does Pete have again.....
jls       "Obama, you wanna see my truck"


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Re: pdw?
« Reply #53 on: February 02, 2010, 05:25:33 PM »
Idk, like 30? haha
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Re: pdw?
« Reply #54 on: February 02, 2010, 05:29:28 PM »
Hey jl you must have really made an impression on Binky as he chaged his screen name and you are part of his new name. I wonder if he dreams about you at night or maybe even in the day time
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Bless the LORD o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name


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Re: pdw?
« Reply #55 on: February 03, 2010, 08:38:22 AM »
Hey jl you must have really made an impression on Binky as he chaged his screen name and you are part of his new name. I wonder if he dreams about you at night or maybe even in the day time
Bless the LORD o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name

All that's ok,  it's cool... He screwing around... He dishes it out, but he can take it... And He doesn't cry IGGY LIST...  He's cool...

I do indeed see his point.  But I do really believe that it was and is in the best interest of any ball company to have their latest releases on the show...

And I for sure can understand why he dislikes Pete... Kinda Sorta the same reasons I dislike Barnes....

Now they are both Great bowlers...  It's their attitudes that I think we both dislike... For Blinky, it's Pete, and for me, it's Barnes..

Now the Missions should be hitting the door shortly...So I will be busy getting caught up...

Also just took 2 orders for the Invasion...

Could be a busy day....Talk to you later

take care guys
jls       "Obama, you wanna see my truck"


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Re: pdw?
« Reply #56 on: February 03, 2010, 11:19:28 AM »
I know Mr. Pacman Ghost.... He and I are good pals, and to anyone who thinks negatively, he is a fine bowler and competes at the regional level. He is also very knowledgeable and generally a very friendly, decent chap, however, it would appear jls attacked first, thus inciting the thread this has become, that's all, thanks.

I know he's your friend and he's a good guy and all that, but he was attacking right from the start, before jls even arrived on the scene...

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Re: pdw?
« Reply #57 on: February 03, 2010, 11:51:13 AM »
Guy gets so flustered that he changed his screenname in an attempt to mock.  Someone tell him that this is the internet.