Learn looked like Sonic the Hedgehog in his first few steps then he was all arms and explosion in the last step. Able to repeat it, but an odd person to watch.
Webb threw it good. Not perfect, but far from the worst. Soper, Shafer, and Trabers fall into the stiff leg and chuck school of thought.
So the question becomes. Which is more important to you, a good armswing, good balance, good timing???
Dave Traber may be the worst combination---the locked hand on follow-through, the stiff legged, end over end. Then he opens his mouth on TV shows and says "You gotta deliver" and yet he never does. Worst form with a big mouth.
Shafer has a big mouth, but I personally feel like he does alot with very little. I also get the sense that while he may be likeable on tour (amongst players), I feel like if he could get more crowd support, maybe he wouldnt feel like he was bowling against the lanes, his opponent, and the crowd. Just get the sense he always is trying to shut someone up in the crowd or trying to beat Norm Duke or something. Just my 2 cents.
Only Losers Feel Pressure