I had to pleasure to meet and talk to Pete Weber for a couple hours this past Friday night at Buffaloe Lanes South in Raleigh, NC. To say the least it was a blast. Seeing how he acts on tv, you'd think he may be a tad cocky or even a little unapproachable. This wasnt close to the case. Of course it didn't hurt when we got to talking about drinking and offered to go get him beer even though the center is a dry center. Not supposed to have alcohol on the premises. Oh well. After talking to him the majority of the night about what he does in the off season, marriage, golf, etc. he told me to hang around till he finished signing autographs. We then talked a little more and he took the Agent he had thrown for a few people, autographed it to me and I walked out with a signed expensive bowling ball. I just enjoyed the conversation, never expected anything like that. I was really impressed with how friendly he was and would carry on a conversation about nothing. Had a lot of fun. He doesnt strike me as a guy that would forget a person as well as I introduced myself to him at the beginning of the night and he still was calling me by my name 4 hours later. Great guy, hope many of you have the pleasure of talking to him like I did.