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Author Topic: Pete Weber with a rico drill hyroad ?  (Read 11484 times)


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Pete Weber with a rico drill hyroad ?
« on: April 04, 2010, 03:35:12 PM »
When PDW change to a hyroad for the championship match, was his ball drilled rico? it seem to look like it to me. Does anybody know?



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Re: Pete Weber with a rico drill hyroad ?
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2010, 06:19:26 PM »
Rev Leverage drill pattern is the proper terminology.
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Yes....much like "custodial engineer" & janitor mean the same thing, doesn't pin down/hole down take care of most, not all, questions about Rico drilled products?

If it does not, please feel free to beat this dead horse until further notice.
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Re: Pete Weber with a rico drill hyroad ?
« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2010, 06:29:40 PM »

Pin down/hole down...

Is that better?

A rectangle can be a square and some squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are many miles from the train station is it if it left 2.36 hours ago with a .8 knot head wind traveling @ 35 MPH..??
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"I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous."-Nick Faldo

35mph measured by what?  if it's measured on the dashboard, it would depend on where the sensor is, and what type of offset is determined in manufacturing. Typically there's a 5-10% faster reading on the dash, so the vehicle might be traveling slower.

The only way the headwind has an effect is if the calculation of speed is based solely on the engine speed and gear, in which case this takes way more information to solve than you've provided.

My point: Every Rico layout in general terms, is a modified Rico layout. The term rico provides no actual information about the reaction that will be achieved, which is why it's such a love/hate layout.  Every PAP makes this layout COMPLETELY different in how it will roll, so they're all a modification on the concept.

Aren't there better things you can waste your time arguing over than how PDW laid out his Hy-Road, and whether it should be called Rico, Carlos, Tatiana, Xiang-Xiou, Freddo, etc?


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Re: Pete Weber with a rico drill hyroad ?
« Reply #18 on: April 05, 2010, 06:54:16 PM »
Thought I would add my .02 cents to this topic...

First of all, the so-called true Rico is pin in the palm or grip center, CG at a 45 degree angle from grip center and the extra hole 6 3.4" from the pin through the CG.

Now I can tell you, I have modified this shifted so it was 3 3/8" from PAP and everything else at a 45 degree angle on the laterla grip line... moved the pin up the grip line to accomodate a higher vertical axis me a modified Rico type layout would be one that the CG and weight hole is at a 45 degree angle from the pin...

And for the record, a rev leverage layout is one that the pin and CG were 3 3/8" from the PAP below the fingers and the weight hole 3 3/8" from the PAP down the VAL.
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Re: Pete Weber with a rico drill hyroad ?
« Reply #19 on: April 05, 2010, 07:00:15 PM »
Wow, Mainzer and Kidlost, thank you for fully proving my point.  Because guess what if I take the RICO layout and move it 3" up so that the pin is 1-2" above my fingers, guess what, THAT'S NO LONGER A RICO LAYOUT.  Because what you people are "modifying" the RICO layout to, are layouts that have been around decades longer than the RICO layout.  That would be like saying a label drilling is a modified pin negative layout.  How can it be "modified" but still considered the same thing?
You've just been handed a little TLC

I am pretty sure no on said anything about moving anything on a RICO drill pattern 3'' or 1-2'' I said slightly modifying it to match a bowlers needs, 1/4 of a inch is alot less than 1-2'' or 3''  if you dont know you math.

further more you can Modify a car engine i.e. Cold air intake, Headers, Turbo Charger and the base engine is still the same as it was when you started it just has extra products to suit a owners want/need. Why cant you Modify a drill pattern for the same reason? The theroy behind the drill pattern is the same you are just making adjustments to suit your needs.

Isn't this what pros do all the time when we here about a Sean Rash or Tommy Jones layout? Modifying something that is already out their to match a individuals needs?
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Re: Pete Weber with a rico drill hyroad ?
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2010, 11:14:25 PM »
I think this discussion is interesting!

Rico Layout and then the morphing to a little stronger pin(Modified Rico) or up or down slightly(still modified rico.  Then morphing out to 3 3/8 3 3/8 stacked and down(Revs Leverage! which tends to have a popier backend(I've loved this drill on the left!)  To a weakend revs leverage....say 4 1/2 X 4 1/2 but pin down!  Yumm(modified revs leverage.

I enjoyed the Shlemmer report and the discussion of the almost Rico and the effect of the weighthole.

I was real surprised at how strong the move was on that hyroad when I found it was Rico but now I feel I understand the difference!

As I am watching leagues lately I am surprised at how many righties seem to have drillings that are missing the breakpoint long(especially on fresh!).
Pins too high??


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Re: Pete Weber with a rico drill hyroad ?
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2010, 12:13:25 AM »
I just drilled a Power Groove on a pattern like the rico but may or may not be modified according to some on here.

My PAP is 5.5" straight across. So when I shift the pin 1" right of my center grip line on this setup the ball goes into a roll even soon and has a very strong continuation on the backend.

Well I so happened to have a Purple Power Groove laying around and decided since I can't get anything for it I will try something a little different.

Setup like normal for the Rico, then moved my grip line 1.75" left to get the pin about 3.75" from my PAP and then drilled the ball up.

Lets just say this ball rolled great. Wasn't expecting much because my last Power Groove hated oil.(main reason I wanted to drill the ball aggressive) Threw the ball for a little bit tonight and loved it. Will be a great add to the arsenal. The ball was modified out of the box with some 2000 grit to take the shine off. Will add a little polish to get it back to factory and should be great for my THS I've seen lately.
" men lie, women lie, numbers don't "
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.