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Author Topic: Blog bashing Wes Malott  (Read 7718 times)


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Blog bashing Wes Malott
« on: March 04, 2009, 02:04:20 AM »

Malott digging a bigger hole
By Steve Gorcheson March 3, 2009 1:41 AM  
Last week the points leader on the Professional Bowlers Association (PBA), Wes Malott, stuck his foot in his mouth by explaining his absence from the Geico Plastic Ball Championship with a diatribe about Tiger Woods not being asked to use wood clubs in golf and Roger Federer not being asked to use wood rackets in tennis.
Malott decided to insert his other foot in his mouth this week after winning the Etonic Marathon Open in Indianapolis. And you know what happens when both feet are firmly planted in your mouth -- you don't have a leg to stand on.
Malott was chided the previous week on the ESPN show "Pardon the Interruption" by co-host and Washington Post columnist Michael Wilbon. During Sunday's telecast from Woodland Bowl in Indy, Malott defended himself by saying it wasn't the plastic ball format itself that led to his backing out, but the timing of the event. He said it was placed between the USBC Masters and the Etonic Marathon Open, which are the two longest, most grueling formats on tour this season.
He has a point, but how come Pete Weber made the TV finals in back-to-back weeks?
Didn't seem to affect him.
And how did Chris Barnes make the show the same two weeks?
Didn't seem to affect him.
I guess Malott just can't handle the strain on his poor little hands ... boo hoo hoo!!!
If it sounds like I'm being too harsh, too bad. Malott made himself look bad by not bowling the plastic ball event, no matter what his excuse, then made himself look worse with his challenge of Wilbon, who happens to be one of the best sportswriters in the country.
"If he wants to drill his high-performance ball, I'll be glad to drill a plastic ball and we can shoe it up anytime," Malott said in an interview during the telecast.
Wilbon didn't back down from Malott on Monday by saying he would bowl against Malott as long as he got 50-something pins since he's not a pro bowler. I don't need 50 pins, but we'll get to that later.
After clinching the title, Malott really came across as less than professional.
"Wilbon, maybe it's just the fact that I want to throw some of the best balls on the market," he said while sitting down after his 10th frame.
What? I can't believe the PBA would not at least sit Malott down and explain to him what being a professional is all about, let alone reprimand him in some way.
So many bowers across the country have expressed concern over the years about scores being too high due to ball manufacturers creating explosive orbs that rip pins and oil conditions apart like they were paper. That's why Sport Bowling is growing in popularity. That's why Sport youth tournaments are becoming popular, especially in northern Indiana with the Indiana Youth Scholarship Bowlers Tour and other programs. But Malott's last quote, coupled with his previous comments that he hasn't denied, basically show he doesn't care about the integrity of the sport and cares only about those wonderful proactive balls in his hands.
And yes, Malott does not deny most of his words. He said so on the PBA Forum under the screen name "Big Wes."
"Yes I said that about golf and tennis and I'm not going to deny it at all, I don't really agree with taking technology away from any sport. The part that they failed to quote me on was I didn't have a problem with the tournament; I just didn't like the placement of the tournament. They placed it between the Masters and the Marathon tournament, 2 very long and grueling tournaments. This is the main reason why I didn't bowl."
He went on to blame reporters for taking things out of context. This reporter isn't going to do that. I'm just taking the context I'm reading and deciding that Malott is not promoting the integrity of the sport.
And for the record, Malott added that he wanted to spend time with his two sons during the week off ... but that came after defending himself about missing the week for other reasons. He could have taken the Marathon event off instead. I would have more respect for him if he did that.
Anyway, so Wes wants to challenge Wilbon, who is a casual bowler who is busy as one of the best sportswriters in the country? I have a challenge for you Wes ... bowl me. I'll take you up on the same challenge ... you throw one of the purple plastic balls and I'll throw one of those "high-performance" balls that you love. Let's go, mano-a-mano. I may not be at Wilbon's level as a sportswriter (though I'm working on it), but I'm a better bowler.
Heck, we can do it for charity of enough people are willing to show up. Hey, maybe a local pro shop or bowling center will get behind it financially for charity. I'm willing to put myself out there on the line because I love the sport of bowling and believe in old-school principles. From your sound bytes, I believe you don't.
Put your money where your mouth is instead of caring so much about the balls that you get paid good money to throw.



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Re: Blog bashing Wes Malott
« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2009, 05:05:53 PM »
The pros take weeks off during the year for a lot of different reasons. If Wes didn't want to bowl in that tourney, that's his choice, and I don't think he owes any explanation or apology. I seem to remember Tiger Woods taking off weeks in between or right before majors, and I don't remember Wilbon spouting off about that. I like Mike and respect his opinion, but I think he was out of line on this one. But Wes should have kept his mouth shut.


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Re: Blog bashing Wes Malott
« Reply #17 on: March 04, 2009, 06:25:05 PM »
Wilbon is a wuss, no, make that a p*ssy! berating a pro bowler because it suits his purpose, when it suits his purpose. Then, like the lowlife pond scum he has shown himself to be, he twists the words and uses his built-in audience, that Wes does not have, to build his case.

Unfortunately he is typical of those with no guts and tiny bit of power.

if you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all, about bowling.
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"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Blog bashing Wes Malott
« Reply #18 on: March 04, 2009, 06:38:03 PM »
wes has every right not to bowl. is it in the rule book that all exempt players have to bowl in this tourney. pba is trying to get people into bowling with watching pros throwing plastic. what next rubber ball tournament.


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Re: Blog bashing Wes Malott
« Reply #19 on: March 04, 2009, 08:40:21 PM »

Wes has a point.  Why is it that the PBA has went with gimmick tourneys?  Golf technology is as important if not more important than bowling ball technology, but you dont' see the PGA going to a wooden driver tournament do you?

Simple, ratings and sponsorship dollars.  The PGA and Pro Tennis bring in enough of both that they don't need to hold gimmick tournaments.  Think about who sponsors Golf and Tennis...Rolex, Mercedes, Accenture.  Now who sponsors PBA?  Lumber Liquidators, Denny's, CLR.  

The PBA needs to get people outside of the hardcore bowlers watching these tournaments.  Ratings go up, sponsorship dollars will go up, everybody wins.  I wouldn't be surprised if the PBA came to Wes after Wilbon's initial comment and said "Wes, let's use it, let's stir up some s**t"  And it's working.
It IS next year!

I do understand that.  People on here like to compare bowling and golf.  You can't compare the 2 though, because golf would never stoop to this level.
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Re: Blog bashing Wes Malott
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2009, 09:05:14 PM »
I stopped reading halfway down the article because I stopped caring.  Wes can do what he wants, when he wants.  It's his career, not Wilbon's and not this loser blogger's.  Tiger plays like 15 events a year, normally well under half and still dominates the tour, just as Wes is doing this year.  I'm not saying Wes should only bowl half the events next year, but who's business is it to question him?  No ones.


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Re: Blog bashing Wes Malott
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2009, 02:56:18 PM »
The way I see it is they should go back to old wood lanes and whatever old lane dressings they used to use... If the golf tourney tried to use wood clubs and old balls on these 7900 and 8000 yard courses vs the 6800 yard courses of before they wouldn't stand a chance... The plastic ball challenge was dumb since the lanes and oil have changed over years and than they want you to throw old technology on that...  Wes was right...


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Re: Blog bashing Wes Malott
« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2009, 04:47:15 AM »
as far as i know, Wes doesnt practice due to knee or lower back issues that bothered him for a while, and because of that, he needs to be at his best shape to be able to have a chance on the long formats
When a house bowler misses the mark, misses the break point and strike, for many ppl its called a wallshot. When a pro does that its call adjustment

When a house bowler gets his finger stuck in the ball and fall on the lanes, for many ppl its called lame bowler. When a pro does that its called the Machuga flop! ha i like this one.


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Re: Blog bashing Wes Malott
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2009, 07:31:23 AM »
Strangely enough, when you comment to the blog it isn't posted until the blogger approves it...

Soooooo, this guy is the ultimate ranter and will rant until he's blue in the face, BUT we've gotta wait for his approval before we can rant ourselves?!
AIM - JoeydfromNB11

If he approves JoeBowlers comment, read the first word of every sentence =P
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Re: Blog bashing Wes Malott
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2009, 07:43:48 AM »
As I've said earlier in this topic.  The reason that he skipped the tournament does not matter.  He decided way back at the beginning of the year he wasn't going to bowl it and it was his decision alone.  After that being said, all else is irrelevant as his reasonings don't matter.

I respect Wes for his abilities and his low key personallity.  I respect him for not bowling a tournament he didn't like so he could focus on a more important one the following week.
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Re: Blog bashing Wes Malott
« Reply #25 on: March 07, 2009, 12:02:31 PM »
Wes is one of those "feel" bowlers and he "felt" it was best to skip that tournament...BFD!!! He still is the leader in points and has won multiple tournaments, so he has the luxury to not bowl that stop. From what I've read, he wasn't the only one not too enthused to bowl that stop. That being said, as a fan of the PBA and someone who grew up throwing polyester and bowling on short oil, I thought it was a welcome change. I've also bowled league with Steve Gorches (subbed for my team) and I've gotta say he has a few screws loose if he thinks Wes or any other pro would even acknowledge his challenge. Gee Steve, what would you have to give if you were to lose the match(which I'm certain you would)  because you certainly never had money to bowl with....

Hey Steve,hold on.I've gotta go get another pitcher...
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Re: Blog bashing Wes Malott
« Reply #26 on: March 07, 2009, 01:04:12 PM »
I respect him for not bowling a tournament he didn't like so he could focus on a more important one the following week.
University at Albany 2007
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Harry E. Inglis 3/31/1915 - 2/3/2009

If you believe his explanation, he skipped it because of the placement of the tournament between two of the longest format tournaments on the schedule. He added that if it were at the end of the season he would have bowled in it.
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Re: Blog bashing Wes Malott
« Reply #27 on: March 16, 2009, 12:45:08 AM »
Ummm...yeah, I've heard almost everyone do nothing but talk garbage about Wes and throw out challenges left and right. If you were all so great, you'd at least be bowling regionals. Wes has/had absolutely nothing to lose by skipping any tournament he finds pointless or unnecessary. He decided at the beginning of the year that he wasn't going to bowl this tournament, and unlike you have stated, Steve, Wes's main reason for not bowling this tournament was NOT that there was no technology. His reason was that it was stuck between 2 of the most grueling tournaments of the year.

Your counter argument to this was something to the effect of Chris Barnes/PDW being able to overcome this. True, but neither of them has Wes's huge body pressing down on their legs with each shot. He's a big guy, and his body pays the price for it sometimes. I say, he couldn't have done anything smarter than not bowling this pointless tournament...look at what came of it: publicity and a victory the following week.

All of you who challenge Wes...stop making him come to you and sleeping in your comfy bed at night like you're so tough. How about some of you go ahead and step up: go out to a PBA national stop, put your money where your mouth is, and beat him out there if you think you could destroy him so well. Stop hiding behind your inflated Great Wall of China averages and bowl for real.

^^^^My comment left on that blogger's page^^^^

My question to the BR community: what ever happened with Wes v. Wilbon? What's the latest development? I haven't heard anything.
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Re: Blog bashing Wes Malott
« Reply #28 on: March 16, 2009, 12:51:05 AM »
Ummm...yeah, I've heard almost everyone do nothing but talk garbage about Wes and throw out challenges left and right. If you were all so great, you'd at least be bowling regionals. Wes has/had absolutely nothing to lose by skipping any tournament he finds pointless or unnecessary. He decided at the beginning of the year that he wasn't going to bowl this tournament, and unlike you have stated, Steve, Wes's main reason for not bowling this tournament was NOT that there was no technology. His reason was that it was stuck between 2 of the most grueling tournaments of the year.

Your counter argument to this was something to the effect of Chris Barnes/PDW being able to overcome this. True, but neither of them has Wes's huge body pressing down on their legs with each shot. He's a big guy, and his body pays the price for it sometimes. I say, he couldn't have done anything smarter than not bowling this pointless tournament...look at what came of it: publicity and a victory the following week.

All of you who challenge Wes...stop making him come to you and sleeping in your comfy bed at night like you're so tough. How about some of you go ahead and step up: go out to a PBA national stop, put your money where your mouth is, and beat him out there if you think you could destroy him so well. Stop hiding behind your inflated Great Wall of China averages and bowl for real.

^^^^My comment left on that blogger's page^^^^

My question to the BR community: what ever happened with Wes v. Wilbon? What's the latest development? I haven't heard anything.
JAT Junior Amateur Tour

Robb's Pro Shops: Bakersfield, California

Rob Stone Supporters of America!
