"Hand", as it's been referred to in this thread, or higher revrate, creates more flare potential than a weaker release would. In college I bowled with a teammate whose revrate was in the high 480-500 range with alot of end over end roll. He went though many plastics looking for something that would go straighter with his A-release because the White Dots and Target Zones he was drilling up *RIGHT OVER THE LABEL* were flaring 2-2 1/2". The Viz A Ball seemed to be the best fit for him as it flared maybe 1/4" at most.
You guys also have to consider that the differential on a pancake core is still in the 0.16-.020 range depending on density. It's very easy for a high RPM player throwing with a softer speed, which enables the ball to migrate even more flare, to get 2" or so of flare out of that ball. Whereas a women's series player with a 180-225 rev rate would see 1/4"-1/2" of flare out of the same spareball.
-DJ Marshall
...The Twelve In a Row Pro Shop. AMF Bowie Lanes -- Bowie, MD
Edited on 2/22/2009 10:37 PM