Thanks for the well wishes JPR. Yep, I gave the PTQ a try. I'm glad I did. I didn't bowl well, but I learned a lot and had a great deal of fun.
I crossed with the amateur who advanced, Jason Wojnar. I used to bowl against him in ABT action this way. He's got a seriously solid game. I would not be at all surprised to see him make it into match play. He really doesn't have any noticeable weaknesses. He used The One from start to finish and blasted the pocket with more consistency than anybody that I saw. I wish I would've followed his moves sooner. After starting 168, 150 something trying to play between 2nd and 3rd with my XXXcel, I pulled out my One and started following him in to 3rd and 4th. I had a much better look. I still didn't hit it nearly as well as he did, but it kept me much more in play.
I tell you this, for one of the "easier" patterns, the scoring really wasn't that great. I saw five or six pros around me go the entire set without cracking 200 once! Of course, I only shot one deuce, but it was a 244 (my new high game in PBA competition)
My advice to any of you who have thought about trying one is, if you can afford it, do it. I went in knowing that I would have to be at my very best in order to seriously compete for a check. Unfortunately, I was not at my best. I also realized, however, that my best is still not in the league with some of these guys. You have to have remarkable control of speed, lift and accuracy to put up the numbers needed to be in the hunt. Hitting your mark is not enough. It makes things very tough, but, on the other hand, it also makes things very rewarding. When I executed good shots, I struck. When I did not execute good shots, which happened much more often than I care to recall, I paid.
In summary, again, I had a blast and I have zero regrets. I learned where my biggest weakness are. Now I have a whole year to work on them before I sign up to do this one again next year. Again, if the Tour is coming your way, and you have the money to do so, sign up and give it a shot. It's a remarkable wake-up call. I am averaging 212, 214 on the middle-of-the-road THS in my area. I didn't bowl my best, but I didn't bowl my worst and I still only managed something like 182 for seven games out there. If you really think you have game, bowling one of these will help to show you whether you're right or if you're fooling yourself. My assessment is that, right now, I am a very solid house bowler, but I am nowhere near Tour material.....not yet : )
I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 345 : )

I provide the muscle for the Fellowship of the Saws