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Author Topic: Randy and WRW  (Read 1188 times)


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Randy and WRW
« on: April 15, 2005, 02:38:22 AM »
Didn't Pedersen's comments about WRW in his fan incident say something like that the PBA player cannot blame the crowd? I am not sure of this but can someone who video's the finals check this out?
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Re: Randy and WRW
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2005, 03:12:30 PM »
There is a fairly new rule (last few years) that says that a ball cannot be declared dead due to distraction from the fans.  In the past, if someone were to, say, jump up and scream as a bowler was making their shot, the bowler could redo the shot (if it wasn't to their satisfaction).

The new rule does not allow the rethrow if a bowler is distracted.  WRW was one of the main proponents of the new rule and that's probably why Randy mentioned him.  

Ironically, not long after the rule was passed, WRW fell victim to it, messing up a shot due to distraction and not being able to do it over.



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Re: Randy and WRW
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2005, 03:26:49 PM »
Oddly, ABC rules used to preclude calling interference unless the equivalent of someone actually touching a bowler or a ball during the delivery.

But then there are people who, if someone else even gets up on an approach 3 lanes away, consider that interference.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."