Know nothing of his personality, he has one of the best forms to not be Patrick Allen Successful. He's bowling Jason Couch on pattern power lefty so I hope he either wins or even comes close because this is Jason's bread and butter.
I realized that I am a bum! The more I learn the worse I bowl. The faster my feet the more I strike. Why?? I can't tell you why cause I don't know myself. I have learned that you perfect what you do best and be good at what you do. Loft the ball, fast feet, whatever, just enjoy the game and don't complain when you lose. Learn from it and move on.
"I live to bowl but great bowlers bowl to live."-my philosophy.
I have left a pocket 3-9 with a 16lb bowling ball. How'd I do it?


Practice James has yet to step up to tourney James.