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Author Topic: chillicothe regional  (Read 1553 times)

kingpin 1

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chillicothe regional
« on: July 09, 2007, 05:23:33 AM »
ill be coming down to bowl the regional this weekend in chillicothe.  I have seen on the pba site that there is a sweeper on sat night after qualifying.  does anybody have any information on this.  entry fee how many games on the pattern of house pattern.  Thanks in advance.  and see on sat.

the kidd



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Re: chillicothe regional
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2007, 06:54:24 PM »
contact fast lane bowling center in chillicothe. (660)707-1700. ask for brian westphal or tad colling. i'll be bowling the tournament myself as i only live 45 miles or so to the west in cameron.

Mike Austin

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Re: chillicothe regional
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2007, 10:48:50 PM »
contact fast lane bowling center in chillicothe. (660)707-1700. ask for brian westphal or tad colling. i'll be bowling the tournament myself as i only live 45 miles or so to the west in cameron.

Hey Greg, maybe we can talk a little more.  I'm coming up to Chillicothe as we don't have a tournament this weekend, and I'm hoping to have a job interview in the Belton/KC area during the week.

Driller to many "Stars" and Tony Melendez too!

Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shops
Inside Emerald Bowl
Inside Tomball Bowl
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Re: chillicothe regional
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2007, 10:10:17 AM »
i'll look forward to seeing you mike. fast lane bowling center is a nice place---it's not even 3 years old. very modern and clean. see you saturday !


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Re: chillicothe regional
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2007, 11:08:57 PM »
i thought i'd make a few comments about the pba midwest regional tournament i competed in this weekend in chillicothe, missouri. first, congrats to dave traber on a hard earned victory over steve jaros in the final. secondly, the staff at fast lanes made this a great tournament. this facility is not even three years old and it's in great shape-----no smoking is allowed at any time. all bowling centers should be like this. the tournament next year is august 1-3 and i'll be there.

i'd like to say i had a chance to speak with ballreviews own mike austin and he's really a great guy. he's living in oklahoma city now and may soon be changing jobs. mike was kind enough to answer my questions regarding bowling these types of tournaments----he should know, he's won 5 pba regional
tournaments. he said he really hasn't been bowling all that great lately but was good enough to advance to sunday and get a check.

this tournament was on the cheetah pattern----35'. while that pattern itself is short the volume of oil is on the high side. almost new brunswick synthetic lanes( very hard and smooth )means carrydown around 5-6-7. i had a great look early with a 220 grit mammoth going straight down the 3 board shooting 235 and 215 with several ringing 10's keeping me from scoring better. in time that was too much ball and my awesome hook( 500 abralon ) looked great from the same line. after awhile this too was too much ball( as was my fury at 1,000 abralon )so i went to my wizard finished at 4,000 abralon. this gave me just enough surface but still let the ball get down the lane. i tried my polished rampage late in the day but it was too over/under and physically i wasn't throwing the ball very well late in the day. i shot MANY spares all day long and missed 3 in 8 games-----i chopped a 4-7, a 3-6-10, and missed a 10 pin each because i stuck on the approach. go figure, the 3 times i stick all day i missed the spares as well ! i shot 1583 to finish in 30th place out of 65 players. i learned a lot and will try to improve.

one of the most important things i've learned when bowling on a pattern that's tougher than a league shot is that mistakes are magnified 100 times. there's little margin for error. my next outing will be in two weeks at thunderbowl in council bluffs, iowa. same pattern but on amf synthetic lanes----a softer surface with more overall hook.

the bowlers who advanced to the round of 4 had a combined total of over 100 pba regional titles-----pete weber vs. steve jaros and dave traber against brother dale traber. both matches were close as expected with jaros and david traber winning to meet for the title. i noticed that steve jaros was throwing mostly brunswick equipment and his shirt and bags had vise grips logos. he was also wearing etonic shoes. i guess gis dyno-thane contract was up and he's looking into other equipment.

Edited on 7/16/2007 6:05 AM

Mike Austin

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Re: chillicothe regional
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2007, 10:47:42 AM »
Yep, I met Greg Hoppe and another guy, directdrill, who drove over from St. Louis to see me about some grip issues.

Greg is super nice, loves bowling, has many questions.  I love answering questions for people with a real passion for the sport, and that is Greg.  I hope I helped you buddy!

Greg had a nice look the first couple games of his block on "B" squad.  He was right up 3-4 board, and the surface on his ball took away the over/under reaction.  With his lower rev rate, he was playing the lanes just right.

By the time his second game was done, he was about +50 and I was done with my fitting work with directdrill.  I was tired and hungry, so I left at that time, hoping that my +101 would make it.  I ate and took a nap, and was shocked to see that Greg did not cash.  When we talked on Sunday, he did everything that I would have thought he should have done adjustment wise to a "T".  The lanes for B squad must have broken down differently than they did for us on A squad.  What he described to me, is not what I saw.

I crossed with Pete Weber and tournament leader Dave Traber.  Now there is two contrasting styles.  Pete slow wheeled the ball to the gutter, and Dave powered it of the scorch on the edge, but both were very effective.  I play the lanes a little more similar to Pete, right of him a little because I had chosen a weaker ball.

I cashed as the cut was +92.  I am having some issues with timing and/or feel.  I pretty much threw the ball consistently crappy, but in the right place on the lanes.  It just doesn't feel good to bowl right now.  Not necessarily pain, my knee and lower left back hurt most of the time, just doesn't feel crisp, good flow, feels like I haven't bowled in 6 months even though I am bowling most every day.  I would have to look, but I don't know if I have felt sharp or right since the Tour Trials at the end of May.

Fast Lane is a very nice bowl.  Good food, clean, people were great, they liked it that I was listed as being from Houston, even though I'm in OK City now.  I told them "Shoot yeah!  I heard about y'all, I drove all the way up here!!"  LOL.  I know I missed two, but maybe three spares in my 13 games, which is good for me.  Carry was very tough, lots of single pins, and when I didn't hit the pocket, which wasn't often, but when I didn't it was usually bad, lots of splits.  Half pocket seemed the place to be, so I was lined up light if anything, 10 pins are better than Big 4's.

Glad I got to go, glad I got to talk to Greg, directdrill was very nice, talked to him a long while, he is a sponge too, many questions, that was great.  Ended up talking to two more pro shop guys, who overheard me talking to directdrill, and a new regional player, Jim Mitts, asked me to fit him also, he is having some grip issues after taking about 10 years off from bowling.

Sorry for the ramble, will have more details in my blog!!

Driller to many "Stars" and Tony Melendez too!

Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shops
Inside Emerald Bowl
Inside Tomball Bowl
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Re: chillicothe regional
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2007, 11:24:49 AM »
Nice shooting Greg!! Only missing 3 spares in 8 games is phenomenal. It's no wonder you're a Walter Ray Williams fan. Great Job.


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Re: chillicothe regional
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2007, 04:20:22 PM »
thanks for the compliment tonybowls----but at the risk of sounding like a bragger i'm still upset i missed them. the approaches were very good for being synthetic, usually they're tacky in the summer. the only time i stuck during the 8 game block was on those three spares. call it bad luck call it payback for tripping too many 4 pins, etc. and by spares i mean just that----spares, not splits. i left the washout twice and made it both times. i failed to make the 3-10 split and also failed to make the 5-7( headpin hit both and neither fell !!! ).

i firmly believe the key to better bowling is to improve your spare shooting. as strange as this sounds in this "strikefest" we compete in, when you bowl on a tougher pattern good spare shooting is a must.

Edited on 7/16/2007 8:10 PM


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Re: chillicothe regional
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2007, 05:27:00 PM »
I agree with you Greg about spares. I am learning that the hard way through my PBA Experience League. Making spares is critical to shooting good games.