So true... yes it was even on the ABC news....
It's just a shame, a real shame, that so many on this site can't handle the fact that a women won... And have made threads bashing her victory...
The dumbest of them all was by some keyboard pounder who said Barnes didn't have time to practice and Kelly had played the lanes... Step Ladder format!!!
And because Barnes didn't have time to practice, he got lost....
Now the way I saw it, he did practice for 8-10 minutes...
And that Total Bedlem he started with, didn't HOOK back when he missed 1 board right... IMO My DVR, could be wrong....
Boy, a lot of men must really feel threatened by her victory.... Did I say men... if so, using that term loosely...
Cause real men.... say....
Nice bowling Miss Kelly...
jls "Obama, you wanna see my truck"