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Author Topic: Robert Smith  (Read 2668 times)


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Robert Smith
« on: January 24, 2006, 04:15:15 PM »
Did anyone here ever see Robert Smith bowl before he became a pro?  Where di this guy learn to throw with so many revs and such a high ball speed?  

Does anyone have any vids of him throwing the ball?



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Re: Robert Smith
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2006, 10:08:32 AM »
No doubt his style probably can't be taught.  I just like watching this guy bowl.  Does he use a frisbee release?  What do you guys feel allows him to rev it beyond what most high rev players can?

Edited on 1/25/2006 1:29 AM

I saw some high speed video of his release which shows where all his power comes from and that he has to have the strongest and quickest wrist on tour.
Just before he releases the ball he increases the cock of his wrist and then unloads the cock and cup very quickly. If I remember right the increase and unload happened in 3 frames and the video was shot at 350fps. To be able to increase the amount of cock in his wrist at the bottom of the swing like that takes an insane amount of strength. Not sure how much force is being exerted at the bottom of a 20 mph swing with a 16# ball but I am sure it is very high due to the g forces that would be present with that speed and arc length.
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Storm Track does he use a frisbee release or is it more up the back?


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Re: Robert Smith
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2006, 11:30:18 AM »
I've was fortunate to bowl with and against Robert in the early 90's.  The man has a gift that I believe if resin was never invented, would have 10 more titles.  His release just isn't condusive to the modern game.  Robert has very strong legs and his forearm is huge, especially compared to his left arm.  A good deal of his power is generated from  his legs as well as his release.

The messengers I've seen him throw with urethane is scary


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Re: Robert Smith
« Reply #18 on: January 25, 2006, 11:50:30 AM »
If you saw the trick shots on the telecast this weekend,he also has revs on his back up ball as well.Big Willy Style should have appreciated that!!!!
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Re: Robert Smith
« Reply #19 on: January 25, 2006, 01:47:39 PM »
Not only is Smith a Great Bowler he's a nice guy as well.