After an endless battle for the race to six strikes against Mike Scroggins, Barnes was finnaly able to win 6-5 strikes with a Brooklyn strike.
In the first bracket round, Tommy Jones made one mistake against a hot Norm Duke, but closed well in the 6th. Duke Needed a double to win and struck on the first ball and split on the second to lose 1 pin. Jones would collapse against Mike Sroggins despite making a 2-4-10 conversion.
In the begining shootout round, Norm Duke was able to release his ball when a kid dropped an autographed pin down the stands (bang bang bang) Duke held on to the ball and Tommy Jones pretended to give the kid a 20 dollar bill. Walter Ray Williams wanted to take a rerack on one point but Weber told the officals not to give it to him. Weber lost on the first ball and was already out, then Williams jokingly asked why did he care.
When Weber went against Williams, Weber used perhaps the incorrect ball, a Diablo that had a pitiful reaction and Williams spanked him. Williams then would face Barnes but left a 4 pin with 3-4 ten pins. His carry was not there.