Hey, there were 2 people for sure I saw that averaged in the 140's and 150's for 7 games on TQR. So anything is possible.
In a regional on Cheetah, I threw the ball about as bad as you could, plus didn't have a good equipment match up drilling wise to the pattern (which may have been a small part of the first half, but it was mostly me) and I still managed to shoot even, well -9, for 8 games. How can anyone average 150 on that pattern?!?
"Hell of a situation we got here. Two on, two out, your team down a run and you've got the chance to be the hero on national television... if you don't blow it. Saw your wife last night. Great little dancer. That guy she was with? I'm sure he's a close personal friend, but tell me, what was he doing with her panties on his head?
Uh-oh, Rexie, I don't think this one's got the distance."