Everyone is not eligible to bowl the US Open, you need at least a 190 average.
This is from the entry form:
The Professional Bowlers Association (PBA) is offering spots to all bowlers with a verifiable 190 league
average with a minimum of 21 games in any of the past five USBC certified league seasons for the Motel 6
Dick Weber Open being held January 15 - 20, 2008, Denny’s World Championship being held February 18 -
24, 2008, and the 65th Denny’s U.S. Open being held March 23 - 30, 2008. If you are interested in bowling
one or more of these tournaments, fill out this form and mail or fax it along with your payment of $500 per
tournament to the address shown below. Please include an additional $25 for entry into the Denny’s World
Championship. All entries are on a first-come, first-served basis. Please visit
www.pba.com for more
information on these and other PBA events.