In the eyes of a Monday morning quarterback with 20/40 vision (

I don't think he had other choices, unless he had several of each with different drillings or surfaces.
Palermaa destroyed an area in the midlane and Shafer had to use a ball strong enough so he could play inside of or at least skid thru the dry area Palermaa created. That was the serious problem high rev bowlers create for tweeners, like Shafer. When he slowed down a hair or pulled it even 1 board inside of target, he went thru the nose and was lucky just to leave the 3/6/10.
Plus on TV, that 3/6/10 is not an easy spare, made even harder by both the Scorpion pattern and the destroyed track area. Shafer's other problem is that he doesn't throw a straight ball at any spares. Almost every one hooks to some extent.
That said, I wish I had 1/4 of Shafer's talent and tenacity.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
Edited by charlest on 1/16/2012 at 3:06 PM