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Author Topic: Scoring Messup at the Chameleon Championship  (Read 4475 times)


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Scoring Messup at the Chameleon Championship
« on: November 14, 2008, 12:26:34 PM »
The official scorer screwed up in the position round of the Chameleon Championship! Im watching the live feed on Xtra Frame and the official scorer had Eugene McCune's score wrong, giving him 20+ pins over what he should have gotten, and this was realized into the 8th frame, and now two of the matches have been restarted.

Dont know what the deal is as to how this happened, but Sean Rash now has a chance to make it to the telecast. He was bowling real bad before the score error was realized and now he gets to start over and has to shoot 255+ to make the telecast. I dont see how this is fair for the person who gets bumped out if Rash shoots that 255 but we will see what happens.
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Edited on 11/14/2008 9:28 PM



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Re: Scoring Messup at the Chameleon Championship
« Reply #46 on: November 15, 2008, 06:29:35 AM »
256...can anyone say clutch

Clutch would have been him bowling good in the match that was stopped. He was getting whupped in that match  He got lucky.
Speed Kills
When in doubt, move out

You must not have watched the match that he was bowling before because he was hitting the pocket every shot, he just kept 10 pinning.

I did watch and 10 pins were not the only thing he was leaving.. And I didn't know that made you clutch if all you did is stay in the pocket and not strike

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~<:-0======"IN CG WE TRUST" i chant as i pray to the static weight God...======


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Re: Scoring Messup at the Chameleon Championship
« Reply #47 on: November 15, 2008, 07:45:09 AM »
KRakken, not sure what match you were watching....Rash didn't "trip" three 5 pins.  They were light hits and he slapped the pins around.  Definitely not bad shots.  Its not like he had a 5-7 standing and a pin came across and took both out.  

Just because you have 5 mins of practice, then bowl 8 frames, and then 5 more mins of practice....that doesn't mean you will shoot 256 when u need it.

Delutz only shot 220 and he bowled on the same pair as the previous game.  

Great bowling by Rash to make TV, and great decision by the PBA to make it a 5 man step ladder.

When the 5 pin is the last pin to fall, that is a trip 5 pin, and a very light hit, that indicates his ball wasn't driving though the deck. I was watching the match without the rose colored glasses that you were watching it with.

No all that practice doesn't mean he would shoot 256, he did a good job getting what he needed but he didn't bowl "great" as some are sayin
Speed Kills
When in doubt, move out