ESPN is televising bowling. This year, for the first time I can remember, they are following the shows to conclusion and not cutting away to show the tiddlywinks championship or whatever other drivel that has been preempting bowling. However this happened, I am grateful.
ESPN is also trying to infuse some ENTERTAINMENT value to the telecasts, after all that's what the "E" in ESPN stands for. Bowling can be slow paced and boring by todays standards. Rob may not be what most bowling "purists" want, but he
DOES make it more entertaining, and doing that keeps the younger generation watching. If he makes bowling sound fun enough to enough young people to get them involved in it, I say leave him be.
Our sport is on the decline, it has been for a while now. If having Rob throw up a HAMBONE, a YAHTZEE, or a BACK-TO-BACK JACKS can stir up enough youthful interest in the sport to start a revitalization of sorts, I think it can only be a good thing.
Remember, bowling isn't just a serious sport, it is also a
RECREATIONAL GAME that is enjoyed by MILLIONS. Most bowlers didn't/don't get into the sport as a seriously competitive issue, they/we got into it for the fun and the challenge and the competition came afterwards. If we can get those recreational bowlers back into leagues by reminding them how fun bowling can be, wouldn't that be a good thing?
I say, let Rob have his HAMBONE, his YAHTZEE, and whatever else he can come up with to entertain the younger generation. After all, if we can't keep them interested, entertained, and involved, bowling is only going to die all the faster.
If he gets on your nerves, you can always turn the sound down.
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