Buy "her" a new tv for Christmas!! Or better yet, buy YOurself one & say it's from her & the kids. LOL!!
BTW lsf_21, what's wrong w/shafer? Since we're mentioning bowlers we wouldn't want to see: I don't care to see Rash, PA, Mika & a few others but that wasn't my point. I like to see the best bowlers, but the 8 best gives us more bowlers/styles to see.(more vs less)
Off topic, I wouldn't mind seeing some of the qualifying rounds like what the golf channel does. Bowling channel anyone? Might be too hard, but maybe some of the closer games going into the 7th or 8th frames, w/out all of the ananlysis like you get on the TV finals day. Maybe more of just the play by play & breif rundown on the bowlers & their shots & ball selections & higlights of these matches. I dunno, Just thinking out loud. Sorry for the long post.
Just grip it & rip it!
Edited on 11/30/2007 6:18 PM