Would anybody put on a Tour that doesn't make the players look like clowns or pro wrestlers? When does that happen on the current Tour? There has to be a reason for people to watch. There has to be enough people to watch to attract sponsors. There have to be enough sponsors to bring money to the tour. The old way of broadcasting bowling to the old folks home on a SATURDAY afternoon with a couple of guys with all the excitement of funeral directors won't cut it today.
Why do you bring how long players are away from family and what they earn? It's there choice. Over the road truckers are gone for weeks at a time also. It's their choice.
It's been said that and it is true that water finds it's own level. In the case of the PBA, it might have found it's own level based on what today's sports environment looks like. Nobody's fault, just the way it is.
This topic has been chewed on and chewed on. The real answer is the Tour will go nowhere until the players themselves take ownership. Just like they did in the beginning. The players have to decide what they are willing to do to bring it back. The players need to hire a marketing company and a production company that will pay attention to what the viewers want to see and produce a show that they can market and sell to broadcasters. The players need to decide that going up against college basketball, college football, NASCAR, and the NFL is not the way to go.
Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand. I, I believe in love.