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Author Topic: So what's next?  (Read 7023 times)

Impending Doom

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So what's next?
« on: January 04, 2012, 12:50:50 PM »
With all of the talk that the PBA is going away (which I can easily believe with all the last ditch efforts they've been throwing out the last couple of years) , what would come after that? Think the national tour would go by the wayside and just regional action? Is there someone out there that would want to put on a tour that didn't make the top players in the world look like clowns and pro wrestlers? Someone that could actually get DECENT money for the guys that spend weeks away from their families to (barely) support them?

What would happen if the PBA wasn't around tomorrow.

Thoughts and speculation welcome. No ones honest opinion will be lambasted by me.

*Inventor of the FIBJAM*

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Sunshine n Lollipops

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Re: So what's next?
« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2012, 06:44:18 AM »
+1   What do you think the C'mon Man segment is on MNF?

ToiletLogCore wrote on 1/13/2012 2:18 PM:
Really? <--- this is to all the people going off about ESPN making fun of Blanchard falling. So ESPN has NEVER done blooper reels or the Top 10 Worst Plays?  Yeah you're right, then never show a running that trips coming around 3rd over and over again and they NEVER make fun of it. Get serious people.

You've just been handed a little TLC

 Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand.  I, I believe in love.  

Impending Doom

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Re: So what's next?
« Reply #17 on: January 14, 2012, 07:10:57 AM »
Go check the post again. I replied, since there weren't any.
storm making it rain wrote on 1/13/2012 10:28 AM:
Here's another problem with the PBA or bowling in general.  This past Sunday's telecast when Josh Blanchard hung up in the thumb and fell in the gutter.  You see articles like this:



Now this is coming from a reporter with no bowling knowledge.   But a couple of days later, a reputable BOWLING ball manufacturer posts on Facebook basically mocking the fall Blanchard took.  And that's coming from people in the industry, why was that because Blanchard wasn't using their equipment?? I don't know but that was pretty classless to post a bowling article basically mocking our game!

*Inventor of the FIBJAM*

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Spider Man

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Re: So what's next?
« Reply #18 on: January 14, 2012, 01:26:33 PM »

 good response to the jackals.






Impending Doom wrote on 1/14/2012 8:10 AM:
Go check the post again. I replied, since there weren't any.

storm making it rain wrote on 1/13/2012 10:28 AM:
Here's another problem with the PBA or bowling in general.  This past Sunday's telecast when Josh Blanchard hung up in the thumb and fell in the gutter.  You see articles like this:



Now this is coming from a reporter with no bowling knowledge.   But a couple of days later, a reputable BOWLING ball manufacturer posts on Facebook basically mocking the fall Blanchard took.  And that's coming from people in the industry, why was that because Blanchard wasn't using their equipment?? I don't know but that was pretty classless to post a bowling article basically mocking our game!

*Inventor of the FIBJAM*

The sky is falling

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The final warning

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Re: So what's next?
« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2012, 04:30:40 PM »
TSN did run the Classic Bowl tournament on TV again in 2011 and Randy Pedersen was back doing commentary.  There are some clips on YouTube with it.

1 of the clips:


Jorge300 wrote on 1/12/2012 2:19 PM:

    We have TSN. It's equivalent to ESPN, does show more sports Candians like, hockey, curling, etc. They do actually show the bowling, but it is on Tuesdays at like Noon. If forget the DVR, no bowling for me. It has it's own Sportscentre (notice the spelling, lol) with it's own hosts. They do show the ESPN NFL Countdown and football games and the NBC Games. But we also get some NBC affliates from the States, I think Detroit area. Luckily the cable provider offers the Sunday Ticket here, so got to watch all the NFL we wanted, lol.


TSN used to host a bowling tournament that they televised, had Randy Pederson doing color on it in the past. I saw replays of 2009 and 2010, but didn't see anything about it for 2011. So they must like bowling a little bit up here, lol.

Spider Man wrote on 1/12/2012 10:55 AM:

It makes sense: NBC should be looking to expand its sports platform for the new network. 

no espn b/c there's not enough Canadian content?





Jorge300 wrote on 1/12/2012 8:38 AM:


    I can't say for sure what they mean about this scenario, because I don't get the Sunday PBA broadcasts in Canada here (no ESPN ). But in the past, when Berman and the NFL Countdown were on before the PBA, they would always be sarcastic and almost demeaning in the way they announced that the PBA was coming up next. In fact I can remember one time where either Tom Jackson or Chris Carter were actually laughing out loud as Berman announced that bowling was coming up next. That may be what they are referring to.



Edited by Spider Man on 1/12/2012 at 10:56 AM


My arsenal

Heavy Oil: Storm Virtual Gravity Nano: 2000 AB
Medium-Heavy Oil: Storm Anarchy: 1500 polished
Medium-Heavy Oil: Track 919C: 3000 AB
Medium-Heavy Oil: Ebonite Vital Energy: 4000 AB
Medium Oil: Roto Grip Nomad Dagger: 1500 polished

Medium-Light Oil: Roto Grip Rising Star: 1500 polished
Current Ball Arsenal
MOTIV Jackal Legacy
MOTIV Mythic Jackal

MOTIV Trident Odyssey
MOTIV Forge Fire
MOTIV Covert Revolt

MOTIV Sigma Sting
MOTIV Pride Solid

MOTIV Venom Shock
MOTIV Tribal Fire


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Re: So what's next?
« Reply #20 on: January 29, 2012, 07:39:59 AM »
I think the PBA still has a chance at being legitimate on US tv, but they have to make some changes.  #1 absolutely, positively has to be not going head to head with the NFL.  I mean, come on.  Not only do bowling fans skip the PBA telecasts to watch football, but bowling centers don't even have it on a lot of the time.  I also think they should have some reputable bowlers give a pre-show rundown of what to expect: what lines to look for, pick their favorites, and anticipate the scoring pace.  The kind of thing you might expect before a basketball game or a football game.  I really think that is a better way to get name recognition out there than the exempt field idea.  You just have to get the analysts to actually pick favorites instead of saying things like, "Well, gee, they're all so good, any one of these guys could win".  An actual prediction with a reason why is an underrated way to build credibility.  And #3, tell Mike J to ditch the attitude or take a hike.

On Fire

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Re: So what's next?
« Reply #21 on: January 29, 2012, 07:54:06 AM »
It's pretty hard to watch bowling on TV when it's on the same time as NFL football. Most bowlers I talked to last year said that when they were showing some of the tournaments on Friday and Saturday, they liked it alot more on those days than Sundays. Plus the fact that they're making the bowlers act like WWE prima donnas doesn't help it, either.