The lack of respect for the sport/activity of bowling has been well documented and debated on this site in several threads. We no longer see bowling on network TV, and thus it may be perceived as not being "mainstream" anymore. However true that may be, I noticed something today leading into the PBA telecast that really steamed me.
As ESPN was cutting away from the SportsCenter preceding the PBA telecast, the anchor said, "Triple Header of hoops today, and 'enjoy the bowling'."
Now, I don't know how many of us have heard from our parents when we were growing up, "It's not what you say, it's how you say it". I definitely did hear that a lot.
Well, that "enjoy the bowling" comment couldn't have been said as more of an afterthought by anyone if they tried. It was almost as if they were disgusted that the PBA had to air. And, not to mention, the snickering of the other two anchors as the shot went to black.
I won't speak for others as for the collective perception of the decline of bowling as a sport/activity, but what I will say is, "Jeers to ESPN".
If I ever saw an amputee being hanged, I'd just yell out letters. --DM