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Author Topic: Something I was a little steamed about...........  (Read 4277 times)


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Something I was a little steamed about...........
« on: March 02, 2008, 09:00:16 AM »
The lack of respect for the sport/activity of bowling has been well documented and debated on this site in several threads.  We no longer see bowling on network TV, and thus it may be perceived as not being "mainstream" anymore.  However true that may be, I noticed something today leading into the PBA telecast that really steamed me.

As ESPN was cutting away from the SportsCenter preceding the PBA telecast, the anchor said, "Triple Header of hoops today, and 'enjoy the bowling'."

Now, I don't know how many of us have heard from our parents when we were growing up, "It's not what you say, it's how you say it".  I definitely did hear that a lot.

Well, that "enjoy the bowling" comment couldn't have been said as more of an afterthought by anyone if they tried.  It was almost as if they were disgusted that the PBA had to air.  And, not to mention, the snickering of the other two anchors as the shot went to black.

I won't speak for others as for the collective perception of the decline of bowling as a sport/activity, but what I will say is, "Jeers to ESPN".
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Re: Something I was a little steamed about...........
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2008, 06:48:27 PM »
we can't really expect espn to act any differently. the pba is letting them call all the shots when it comes to programming.

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Something I was a little steamed about...........
« Reply #17 on: March 04, 2008, 06:39:13 AM »
I noticed the last two weeks that arsehat D-bag at ESPN has said the same thing...  "Enjoy the bowling" while snickering.

Way to disrespect your own programming.  I hate ESPN.  Just because you are a no-name wannabe joke of a broadcaster, don't take it out on everyone else.

"When in doubt, pull out." - ESPN's Rob Stone


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Re: Something I was a little steamed about...........
« Reply #18 on: March 04, 2008, 07:32:40 AM »
Here's part of the problem. As a member of mass media, I work for NBC, the real problem as I am told by my higher ups is that bowlers aren't marketing themselves correctly.

You would be amazed at the interest bowling receives from the media, IE the clash of champions to be aired on CBS coming up. But the simple fact that there is some athletic talent to bowling, more so than auto racing but less than football or basketball.

Here's the sad truth to it all, from our perspective at least. By "our" I mean major news and sports affiliates, not personally mine but I am associated with the group. Example: You invite a news station to come to observe the talents of a tournament the is in progress, this being a slow news weekend so we have time to try to fish up a local story, perfect opportunity to promote the sport. Cameras show up to look for some real good action, about 85% of the time upon arrival, you see some good action going on, but at the same time you look over and see the PARTICIPANTS not just spectators drinking beer, smoking, looking very unprofessional, snacking on chili cheese fries, burgers, and what not.

Do other athletes do this? not to the extent, but yes. On our professional tour there are rules to alcohol and food consumption during competition, but once that's over they can remove their name shirt and peruse the concourse beer in hand and "blend in to the crowd".  Other sports when attending public functions are required to represent the brand in a positive way or face penalties by their governing body. While not forced to dress a certain way IE some NBA players dress in, what most of the upper levels of society consider, gang attire, they are representing a popular clothing brand (nike, reebok, and one etc.) that often promotes their brand with the sport.

NASCAR, MLB, FIFA, all the same. It's partially a status thing with how much other professionals make as opposed to what our professionals make. But at the same time, those athletes make more money because of the market they perform in. Stadiums where owners sell a massive number of seats, promotional details, merchandise, and market their stars through commercials and events. Bowling has venues that they sales seats for shows, but not enough where it increases the value of the bowler by increasing the prize fund. And with one 1 1/2 hr show a week, it's impossible to showcase all of the talent.

I'm not speaking for the ESPN broadcasters, they do walk around smug and sometimes undeserved sense of self accomplishment. And honestly it would do the PBA some good to get off the ABC family of networks. It's time to get onto a network that would appreciate the sport and spend some better time promoting it. The commercials on ESPN are rediculous. I laugh when people say they like them because the general public finds them to be rather annoying and a little elitist  to a sport where no one outside of the sport really knows who you are. I'm talking about the Spare Thoughts commercials that don't even use the real voices of the bowlers they are portraying.

To get to point, there is a reason why bowling is snickered at, and it's mainly because of the image being portrayed by it's own member. Bowlers are not satisfied with anything. We generally dislike Rob Stone who has indeed brought a  new attitude to the show in a non-negative manner. We don't like high scoring easy patterns but at the same time don't want to watch the guys shoot at spares all day. We don't like Pete Weber, his excitement, crotch chop, or vocalizations. We don't like watching boring Walter Ray Williams. We make fun of a guy who puts himself in position to win every week because he makes mental mistakes. We don't like the technological advances in the same which every sport has had some advances to make the game easier.

It's hard to seriously promote a sport where it's members rip it apart more than non-members do. And it's beating a dead horse, but if you want to gain respect in media, we need to gain some respect for ourselves.

Sorry for the rant.

Justin Buford

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Something I was a little steamed about...........
« Reply #19 on: March 04, 2008, 08:38:48 AM »
Remember that ESPN is pretty much a spineless tabloid trash network when it comes to reporting other sports as well.  It's just that they are successful at doing that because the drones watch to find out what they think is the ultimate highlight or who's now.
"When in doubt, pull out." - ESPN's Rob Stone

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Something I was a little steamed about...........
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2008, 08:39:54 AM »
Do you mean Jim Rome?

Remember that Jim Rome is also ESPN's biatch.
"When in doubt, pull out." - ESPN's Rob Stone


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Re: Something I was a little steamed about...........
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2008, 09:09:11 AM »
The PBA would be in trouble if they were on Versus or Spike, they would get even less exposure than they do now

That is a cop-out at best. Yes the total number of available markets are less, but if you get more people to watch it who have it, then it will be a win for both. And as I said, as long as the PBA wouldn't have to pay for the airtime, it's a win for them as they can start to head towards the black by getting rid of at least one large expense.

Justin, you are 100% correct. I used to bowl in a league in CA that set up rules that we had to wear black slacks to bowl (for the men, and slacks or black skirts for the women), had to wear a team shirt (provided by the league, in mulitple colors, paid for by sponsor fees), no hats, no foul language, etc. We had fines for breaking any of rules that went into the prize fund. Specifically designed to try to promote a better image.


Dan Belcher

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Re: Something I was a little steamed about...........
« Reply #22 on: March 04, 2008, 09:30:24 AM »
The PBA would be in trouble if they were on Versus or Spike, they would get even less exposure than they do now

That is a cop-out at best. Yes the total number of available markets are less, but if you get more people to watch it who have it, then it will be a win for both. And as I said, as long as the PBA wouldn't have to pay for the airtime, it's a win for them as they can start to head towards the black by getting rid of at least one large expense.
The NHL is currently on Versus, and that's not working out too well.  Their TV numbers stink.  Advertising is harder to get when you're not on a major network, plus you end up with fewer viewers.  It's bad all around.  The same thing happened in 2004 to the Champ Car World Series (now merged with the IndyCar Series as of this year).  They tried showing their races always in the same timeslot (tape delayed or live, it was always shown at 4pm Sunday in your local timezone) on SpikeTV.  The TV numbers were just terrible, and Spike did not do a good job promoting the broadcasts at all.

Monster Pike

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Re: Something I was a little steamed about...........
« Reply #23 on: March 04, 2008, 09:38:01 AM »
Tony Rome is a BIG part of the problem!
When you get to be my age, there
is nothing left to learn the hard way.

Tony makes those ribs But I believe it's Roma A on the end instead of E.  I think Taurean still has "gourmet" food on his mind, LOL!!
"The last time I saw a face like that, it had a hook in it's mouth." Rodney Dangerfield


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Re: Something I was a little steamed about...........
« Reply #24 on: March 09, 2008, 11:33:17 AM »
ESPN must have gotten alot of complaints because they made sure to hype the telecast right before today's show started.  Bob Ley hyped Rhino Page as a rookie sensation and his co-anchor shouted in an exxagerated fashion "bowling".  They must have had a talking to.


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Re: Something I was a little steamed about...........
« Reply #25 on: March 09, 2008, 07:13:09 PM »
I agree with Jeremiah that ESPN must have gotten some complaints (at least from me).  I noticed that the lead-in said something like "Watch Rhino Page the rookie who has been tearing it up".  But then the other clown had to yell "Enjoy the bowling" in an animated way.  

ESPN, why not pimp events on your own channel?  Sure, you already have the money for it, but someone watching might accidently watch other events on your channel.  As it is, I am so torqued about it, I make it a point not to watch ESPN, ESPN2, ABC Family or whatever else ABC channel there is.

Why?  Most of it is crap anyway and why let them waste my time and money.  Sponsers should be aware that your commercials on these stations outside of the PBA telecast are being wasted on me because I am not watching.  The ones that are broadcast during the PBA, while repetitous, will earn my business.  Just my 2 cents.

CBS is presenting the Bowling Clash of Champions on May 10-11 in the afternoon featuring amateurs and pros.  Please everyone watch and support this event.  This is network tv and a good rating might go a long way.  Thank you!



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Re: Something I was a little steamed about...........
« Reply #26 on: March 09, 2008, 07:26:36 PM »
shame on me for not adding a link:

Awesome, bowling on network tv again!



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Re: Something I was a little steamed about...........
« Reply #27 on: March 10, 2008, 02:38:25 AM »
Pacino, I do realize that ratings are a tricky thing and aren't based on real people.  But thank you for bringing it up.  I, too, have never met anyone who is part of the Nielson ratings.  I also have never been a part of any political poll, although apparently somebody has.


Edited on 3/10/2008 7:47 AM