I understand this topic has been touched on before, and I am just curious on a few things. Maybe someone who has experience bowling PBA tournaments/PTQs can enlighten me a little more. Looking at this weeks TQR, it will most likely take around a 240+ average to make the cut into the round of 64. Now, these guys/gals have alot of talent and resources, that is completely understood. But, if someone like me (I am about 220 on house 200 on sport) were to go out there and compete in these things, how do you think I would manage. I mean, normally, i cannot even average 240+ on a house shot, let alone anything more difficult (mostly carry problems). Bowling on a college team, i compete on difficult conditions nearly twice a week, and it seems to me a bowler must have at least a couple boards of area in order to whack them like the touring pros do week to week. But, at least for me, I do not manage to average above 200 on every single difficult condition I bowl on, let alone 220+ which the pros do from week to week. So, is it more a matter of matching up on these conditions and making quality shots, or are the pros that good that they can hit the same spot over and over for 7 games? In addition, do the patterns on tour play similar to the patterns laid out for the PBA Experience Leagues you bowl on? Thoughts?