I believe that the "old school" style he was speaking of, was the simple approach, ONLY a shoulder high backswing, and his slide foot pointing straight ahead. The "new school" was that he can rev it up if he needs to. The new era of bowling is power. Finesse has somewhat taken a backseat to the power players and those who want to be. Bowlers, young and inexperienced, are fascinated by by watching a ball hook a ton and throw pins around.
Shoot.....even us look at guys like Mineman, Criss, Lawrence, Trabers, and others who fluff the ball up the track, and we call it "boring" When we here that Smith, TJ, Couch, and other more power players are going to be on the show, we tend to get a little amped up.
In other words, Machuga has a strokers approach, with a powerful release.
Steven Vance
Former Pro Shop Operator
If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!