My thoughts so far...
* I really like the manufacturers tie-in. This is much more interesting to me than just basically drawing names from a hat and naming a legend as coach.
* Those Storm/Roto black, white, and gray shirts look ridiculously good. The white/black/blue ones aren''t too bad either.
* Speaking of shirts, those 900 Global/AMF barechested muscle shirts are the second-ugliest shirts I''ve ever seen. The ugliest? The 900 Global/AMF wifebeater shirts.
* Who is Chuck Gardner, and why is he sitting with the Brunswick folks?
* Tommy Jones is the least clutch bowler on these things, year-in and year-out. How can that be?
* Chris Barnes'' "ladies and legends" comment was pretty funny, though the "L&L" team is cleaning his team''s clock so far.
* Mike Jakubowski needs a better toupee. For one thing, one that matches his real hair color from front to back would be an improvement. And while we''re at it, a rug that features a hair color found in nature would be good, too.
It''s great to see bowling on TV again. I''m really looking forward to next week!
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ROB STONE NATION Edited on 6/28/2010 2:09 AM
Edited on 6/28/2010 11:16 AM