Seriously, it's only $7.99, plus you can watch all the archived tournaments. I believe they do have some summer stuff they plan on broadcasting, but understandably not as interesting as the tour itself. The live feeds/commentary are actually very well done. Jeff Mark/Mike J do an excellent job of keeping the audience entertained with a good balance of tournament coverage, miscellaneous information, and other bowling related topics, with even some comedy thrown in. They also have special guests such as the lane matenience crew and PBA players stop in and give advice/insight on more technical topics that Jeff/Mike J cannot answer, and you can even ask questions directly through facebook. Once I got past Mike J's somewhat corny attitude and failed attempts to "hype things up", I am really glad I suscribed. I find that I not only get to watch the tournaments live, but also see previous tournaments, and learn useful information on technical topics (lane play, bowling balls, layouts, etc.)
Forego a couple beers at the bar or a pack of cigarettes and that should cover your $7.99 for the month.