Yep. I'll be updating "what's in the bag", and the various scores to the games here. YOu can discuss stuff. Woo, bowling!
What's in the bag:
Rober Smith- Depth Charge and Hot Rod Hybrid
Joe Ciccone- Ragin Red Fuze
Chris Barnes- Ball of the week #2823DF...just kidding, i think it's a super trooper
Parker Bohn III- Inferno
Rober Smith- Depth Charge
Parker Bohn III- Inferno
Match Scores:
Match 1: Robert Smith defeats Ciccone, 268 to 247.
Match 2: Parker beats Barnes, 279 to 258
Final: PARKER wins 288 to 235! Had the front 10, got a little high with the speed and left double wood then picked it up.
Skills Challenge:
Brad Angelo defeats Mika 3 strikes to 1, featuring both of them making a strike with 45 pins!!
- Andy
Teh BrUnSwIcK pwnz j00!!!!!!!112
Edited on 1/16/2005 12:55 PM
Edited on 1/16/2005 1:10 PM
Edited on 1/16/2005 1:25 PM