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Author Topic: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney  (Read 7962 times)


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The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« on: February 19, 2009, 04:21:56 AM »
I think it's crap that they walled up the shot! They were supposed to make the shot tough and have accuracy be the key to scoring. Nice job PBA for screwing up a great theme.

I was really looking foward to this tourney. I thought it was going to be cool to see pro's having to use plastic and be forced to rely on accuracy.  The scores shouldn't be that high!

I also noticed that Duke isn't bowling.



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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2009, 01:17:22 PM »
I was really hoping they would have put down something comparable to the US Open shot. How great would that have been, plastic balls with a 40ft flat pattern!
Not just any athlete can handle a bowling ball!!
800-10 : 300-5 : 299-2 : 298-3 : 11 In A Row-4

I was hoping that it was going to be that as well.. or a tough shot..

It's probably cause they don't want to show the pros possibly shooting below 190 on tv...
still... I'm pretty sure that most of the guys are making the ball move more on this condition than any of us can.. even if they are playing straight up..

why didn't they use the USBC pattern for this tourney and put down this shot.. or a super easy shot for the Ultimate Scoring Championship?

I think that would show how great they really are... if they could score with plastic on the condition that most bowlers find really challenging,.,..
16-17 mph,350 rpm,PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8up, HighGame 300 x 3, High Series 782
Book Average 215 / 205,PBA Xperience ave180

350 RPM, 17 MPH

Z Jellsey

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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2009, 01:19:30 PM »
You don't need "bounce" to wall a lane. I would bet they are all playing fairly straight but have dry right and hold left. Throwing it right to the scorch is not the best way to wall them(see ultimate scoring championship)

Give these guys a blended look with some hold and they will strike til you throw up. The wet dry cliff you see in league shots is actually pretty tough for the pros.
What was in my post worth saying "WOW" about?

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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2009, 01:20:50 PM »
Typical pipe-dream wishing of the pros to have a bad week to make us feel better about our averages.  

They're good, no matter what is out there or what they're using.  I can't wait for US Open week to hear some of the "Gosh the exempter's suck ___ ________ is only averaging 195 on a flat pattern, I thought they were good? My sport shot average for my measley 3 game a week PBAX league is 185. They should be better than that."

-DJ Marshall
...The Twelve In a Row Pro Shop.  AMF Bowie Lanes -- Bowie, MD

Z Jellsey

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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #19 on: February 19, 2009, 01:22:27 PM »
I finally had to ditch it, cracked out on me at the Dick Weber.
I drilled one of the balls they're throwing this week.
Well said Mr. Jellsey.

How's the spare storm?

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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #20 on: February 19, 2009, 01:23:29 PM »

Who's to say they're not being accurate?

If you're not there, you don't know.

Let me get this straight: You shoot high scores cuz you're good, but the pros shoot high scores cuz the lanes are walled up? Gimme a break.


+1...what a ridiculous post...


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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #21 on: February 19, 2009, 01:25:38 PM »
i think this proves the new PBA players are far better than than the old guys, maybe 5 percent of the old pros could even keep up with these guys imo.

Don Johnson

maybe 20 others and thats about it.


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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #22 on: February 19, 2009, 01:26:06 PM »
Typical pipe-dream wishing of the pros to have a bad week to make us feel better about our averages.  

They're good, no matter what is out there or what they're using.  I can't wait for US Open week to hear some of the "Gosh the exempter's suck ___ ________ is only averaging 195 on a flat pattern, I thought they were good? My sport shot average for my measley 3 game a week PBAX league is 185. They should be better than that."

-DJ Marshall
...The Twelve In a Row Pro Shop.  AMF Bowie Lanes -- Bowie, MD

DP3 speaks the truth


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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #23 on: February 19, 2009, 01:26:08 PM »
Typical pipe-dream wishing of the pros to have a bad week to make us feel better about our averages.

They're good, no matter what is out there or what they're using. I can't wait for US Open week to hear some of the "Gosh the exempter's suck ___ ________ is only averaging 195 on a flat pattern, I thought they were good? My sport shot average for my measley 3 game a week PBAX league is 185. They should be better than that."



+1 to that of most sports can be jerks of bowling moreso than most...

Z Jellsey

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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #24 on: February 19, 2009, 01:37:29 PM »
I'll pass, clown.
Shut up already, Zellsey.

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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #25 on: February 19, 2009, 02:01:35 PM »
I finally had to ditch it, cracked out on me at the Dick Weber.
I drilled one of the balls they're throwing this week.
Well said Mr. Jellsey.

How's the spare storm?

Honor Scores: ?

That sucks.  But they were known for doing that as they are very hard and brittle.  I do have some nice blue dots though....  

As for your analysis on the pro's scores I agree.  Without a doubt the shot out there is tougher than these people think.  Just one thought though, the shot is not going to change anywhere near as much as usual throwing nothing but plastic.  So once their lined up, their needed adjustments will be minimal.

The carry down is probably what'll hurt the "straighter" guys the most.


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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #26 on: February 19, 2009, 02:10:34 PM »
I actually like throwing my maxim on the house shot I bowl on and can get a good look most nights.  My problem is always that I can't carry.  Either flat tens, sevens or move a little and start leaving fours.  I get some good hand in the ball too so it is not that it isn't moving.

That is what is amazing about the scores. I figured they could find a shot, I am amazed they are carrying that well.  Does that ball have a core or something............
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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #27 on: February 19, 2009, 02:47:54 PM »
The Game,

I hear you about using plastic on a house shot. I bowl on older wooden lanes with a THS and have had some good nights using plastic.  One of my teammates shot 279 using a white dot and only left a ring 10.  

The lane has to give you some help.  I mean if you oil them flat 40' to 45' feet its is gonna be hard to get them to wrinkle.

But give the pros props as I have seen guys in regionals use white dots, blue dots and make the shot look easy.  So, do the pros have skills....Yes they do!


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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #28 on: February 19, 2009, 02:56:56 PM »
This tournament shows how much money is wasted on bowling technology.  The cores are too strong.  The covers are too strong.  Bowling centers have to put too much oil down so clowns can throw their Snow-chains/R particle with the revinator core.  The game of bowling is simple, the best in the world will score regardless of what is out there.  Just think how much money a bowling center could save if they didn't have to flood the lanes every night to protect them from the overly porous and particle coverstocks (and to keep your egos up)and people actually had to learn how to create hook again.  And to think that these guys aren't good enough to average 230+ just because they are throwing plastic is utterly moronic.  They are used to only having 2-3 boards to hit.  Heck, in some cases the plastic ball might be easier to read.


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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #29 on: February 19, 2009, 03:07:02 PM »
This tournament shows how much money is wasted on bowling technology.  The cores are too strong.  The covers are too strong.  Bowling centers have to put too much oil down so clowns can throw their Snow-chains/R particle with the revinator core.  The game of bowling is simple, the best in the world will score regardless of what is out there.  Just think how much money a bowling center could save if they didn't have to flood the lanes every night to protect them from the overly porous and particle coverstocks (and to keep your egos up)and people actually had to learn how to create hook again.  And to think that these guys aren't good enough to average 230+ just because they are throwing plastic is utterly moronic.  They are used to only having 2-3 boards to hit.  Heck, in some cases the plastic ball might be easier to read.

  THANK GOD! I was beginning to think I was the last one left that felt this way.

  To me it always seemed that bowling was something one should have to learn how to do, not be able to buy 80% of it in a box. I've been throwing old school regular urethane on our THS and averaging over 220.

 P.S. Back in the "old days", I averaged over 200 with a yellow dot.  That's soft, but it is also plastic.
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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #30 on: February 19, 2009, 03:10:20 PM »
If the point of this tournament WASN'T to see who could grind out good scores with plastic balls on tough conditions then why have the tourney?? Does it really show how good these guys are if you tame the shot so that you can still score with the lesser equipment??? I just think this tournament was a major disappointment because I was wanting to see what these guys could do with a plastic ball on a tough shot. This doesnt really show me how good these guys are.