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Author Topic: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney  (Read 7961 times)


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The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« on: February 19, 2009, 04:21:56 AM »
I think it's crap that they walled up the shot! They were supposed to make the shot tough and have accuracy be the key to scoring. Nice job PBA for screwing up a great theme.

I was really looking foward to this tourney. I thought it was going to be cool to see pro's having to use plastic and be forced to rely on accuracy.  The scores shouldn't be that high!

I also noticed that Duke isn't bowling.


Kid Jete

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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #31 on: February 19, 2009, 03:12:47 PM »
I'll pass, clown.
Shut up already, Zellsey.

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You are starting to sound like a disgruntled hack that couldn't make it on the tour... oh wait, woops.

Z Jellsey

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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #32 on: February 19, 2009, 03:18:08 PM »
Never tried for the tour(wife and kids)...but you are correct I am a hack and very disgruntled.
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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #33 on: February 19, 2009, 03:19:19 PM »
i like this tournament because all the pros are using the same equipment...regardless of what it is made of....regardless of oil pattern. it's new, and different. give it a chance.
Bowl To Win!!!

Z Jellsey

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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #34 on: February 19, 2009, 03:20:20 PM »
i like this tournament because all the pros are using the same equipment...regardless of what it is made of....regardless of oil pattern. it's new, and different. give it a chance.

Very well said! I agree 100%
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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #35 on: February 19, 2009, 04:38:57 PM »
I was really hoping they would have put down something comparable to the US Open shot. How great would that have been, plastic balls with a 40ft flat pattern!

It has been on the PBA website all year that it would be on the cheetah pattern. It's no new news... i want to see all you whiners go out with 2 plastic balls that are handed to you at the start of a tourney and thats all your allowed to use for the whole tourney. On ANY pattern.


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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #36 on: February 19, 2009, 05:05:51 PM »
WOW to everything. It goes to show you can't please everyone. Had they averaged 220 or 210 there will still be complaints. 250 is probably inflated but if they put out some ridiculous pattern and these guys shoot 170s and 180s what kind of ratings can you expect. Not to mention some new viewers that may not know any different.

It's painful to watch bowling when they can't score 200+.If you don't think so, think of how you react when you bowl a team of five 150 averaged bowlers. First thought is #$@% its going to be a long night. Not man I hope they put a difficult shot out and lets see if these 150 bowlers can step up and spare.

Anybody who has bowled with professionals know they are good and when given the chance will score on anything. They will take you onto a unlevel parking lot setup pins and own you 9 out of 10 times. Don't fool yourself otherwise.

There is a reason bowling is dead on tv and not growing in bowling centers across the U.S. It is because of other bowlers and this kind of junk. Promote the game not talk bad about it whenever possible. Because others see that and choose other sports.

" hand, don't step on the lanes without some "
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #37 on: February 19, 2009, 05:21:54 PM »
i like this tournament because all the pros are using the same equipment...regardless of what it is made of....regardless of oil pattern. it's new, and different. give it a chance.

I like that part of it but I still wish they had to use the same equipment on a really tough condition.
16-17 mph,350 rpm,PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8up, HighGame 300 x 3, High Series 782
Book Average 215 / 205,PBA Xperience ave180

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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #38 on: February 19, 2009, 05:30:55 PM »
What did you want to see? Heavy volume for plastic? Would you be happier if they would be shooting 120's.Obviously they are going to put out a scorable shot.Maybe they should strip the lanes dry and make them use shiny resin.


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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #39 on: February 19, 2009, 05:31:57 PM »
This tournament shows how much money is wasted on bowling technology.  The cores are too strong.  The covers are too strong.  Bowling centers have to put too much oil down so clowns can throw their Snow-chains/R particle with the revinator core.  The game of bowling is simple, the best in the world will score regardless of what is out there.  Just think how much money a bowling center could save if they didn't have to flood the lanes every night to protect them from the overly porous and particle coverstocks (and to keep your egos up)and people actually had to learn how to create hook again.  And to think that these guys aren't good enough to average 230+ just because they are throwing plastic is utterly moronic.  They are used to only having 2-3 boards to hit.  Heck, in some cases the plastic ball might be easier to read.

  THANK GOD! I was beginning to think I was the last one left that felt this way.

  To me it always seemed that bowling was something one should have to learn how to do, not be able to buy 80% of it in a box. I've been throwing old school regular urethane on our THS and averaging over 220.

 P.S. Back in the "old days", I averaged over 200 with a yellow dot.  That's soft, but it is also plastic.
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If you want to bring the scores down and put accurancy and consistancy back into it then they need to start putting less oil down..  just have the 3units to make it legal... which is nothing.
or less oil in the front and more oil in the back.  That will take the spray and pray out of the game.
16-17 mph,350 rpm,PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8up, HighGame 300 x 3, High Series 782
Book Average 215 / 205,PBA Xperience ave180

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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #40 on: February 19, 2009, 05:39:21 PM »
What did you want to see? Heavy volume for plastic? Would you be happier if they would be shooting 120's.Obviously they are going to put out a scorable shot.Maybe they should strip the lanes dry and make them use shiny resin.

I threw on stripped lanes a while back. It makes for interesting shooting. I liked the loft 40 ft approach. It was fun it would land 40 ft down bounce twice and make a 90* left hand turn. That would be some good tv!
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The Cell Pimp
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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #41 on: February 19, 2009, 05:40:58 PM »
What did you want to see? Heavy volume for plastic? Would you be happier if they would be shooting 120's.Obviously they are going to put out a scorable shot.Maybe they should strip the lanes dry and make them use shiny resin.

I guess we don't know the shot but I would like to see a flat pattern with no wall and heavy oil up front, decent length and some decent dry at the backend... maybe even flooded outside from the estimated breakpoint.
I think if you went straight at the pocket from the corner you should be able to get more than 120.. pros should still be in the low 200's.. I think that would have really let the person that hit his mark, speed, release, and breakpoint win. There would be some risk reward also.. do you want to crank it and swing it for the better entry angle and risk hitting the outside flood.. or play a straighter angle at the pocket and risk leaving corners all day.
16-17 mph,350 rpm,PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8up, HighGame 300 x 3, High Series 782
Book Average 215 / 205,PBA Xperience ave180

350 RPM, 17 MPH


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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #42 on: February 19, 2009, 05:54:53 PM »
The way I see it patterns need to be set out much wider< flater and longer with heavier volume all around. Throw in the heavier gold pins and lets see what all this newer stuff does then. It is great and fun and everything to send 'em out wide and watch 'em face up and rip the rack but I feel like this would decrease some of the carry on the marginal shots. I think it would be intresting.



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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #43 on: February 19, 2009, 09:41:39 PM »
Don't know if it's been said but I'll say it anyway.. the point of this event was not to have it be a grind out...nor was it meant to be a score fest.. it turned out how it turned out.. the point was to put all participants on a level playing field. limit their ball selection, and let them have at it. Rather it be house shot, sport shot, pba shot, wtba shot, whatever, the point is to find out how to score and just keep scoring.

Sure it's a gimmick event, but it's an event nonetheless.. It is what it is. If you were expecting the scores to be low, that's on you.. that's not the PBA's fault or not the player's fault. It's your fault for having expectations and trying to predict an outcome. (sarcasm on)I'm sure in the planning sessions, the directors got together and said "let's put an event out there that everyone is going to expect these guys to average 200 for the lead and then when the day comes, let's break their hearts and have a score-fest." (sarcasm off)

There are tougher events for the pros. Those are called majors (with the exception of the scoring pace of the ToC this year). Want to see them bowl on something they will probably struggle on, don't follow the PBA until the U.S. Open, because until then, they are probably going to continue to tear these patterns apart. Even if you give them a golf ball to throw down there..someone will find a way to score, that's their job. Their job is not to struggle for your benefit of seeing them struggle.

If you want the PBA to have a low scoring tournament, you should petition the owners to have a Non-Card Holding League Bowlers PBA Experience Open. Or call it the House Hack Open for all I care, then you won't see people bowling for their careers and lives out there.

/rant off
Justin Buford
Orlando, FL

2009 Storm Bowling Staff Member
Rich Gibson's Pro Shop at Boardwalk Bowl Orlando, FL

trash heap

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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #44 on: February 19, 2009, 10:35:42 PM »

I would agree with you on that its a tournament to even the playing field. However the talk was there.....

While some fans and experts expect experienced players who had success in the plastic ball era such as Pete Weber to rise to the top, others lean towards accurate players who have succeeded in many eras such as Walter Ray Williams Jr. and Parker Bohn III, while some think younger players with incredibly high revolution rates such as Tommy Jones will excel.

I think the PBA new the outcome. If you look at the top after block 2, its pretty much your high rev players.

I really hope they keep this tournament around. I think its important to the Sport of Bowling. Maybe tweak the pattern a little (not much).
Talkin' Trash!


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Re: The PBA screwed up the plastic ball tourney
« Reply #45 on: February 19, 2009, 10:55:03 PM »

I remember reading that statement before, they basically covered all the types of bowlers out there at that point, guys who have succeeded with all phases of equipment changes, to the deadly accurate, to the heavy hand power players..It was outlined that every one had a chance, and if you look at the standings, every style is in there.. Boomers, Strokers, Left, Right, Two Hands, Voodoo Roll, Plastic ball up 5, Rockets to the Pocket..

This is what we should be proud of, not worrying about the scoring pace, but the types of bowlers we have a chance to see..if one style dominated, it would be something to throw a fit about. But all types of players made it, but alas, I forget, the integrity of the game is in danger. Soon Peter Gammons is going to interview Walter Ray Williams and uncover that he has done some illegal stuff in the sport and then we'll finally share the spot light with the other major sports, which is everyone's goal here. Then, maybe then, people here will stop complaining EVERY SINGLE WEEK, about something to do with the PBA..