In January, I bowled a local scratch tournament. There was a guy on my pair that I'd never seen before. He had a PBA patch and last name on his shirt. I assumed he must be fairly decent. After a handful of shots, I thought to myself..."this guy bought that patch on ebay". Nope..he is a member...oops donater.
Last 4 regionals:
7th from last--178 scorpion
Last--166.75 viper
Last--173 cheetah
House shot avg:
199-20 games
198--48 games
192--60 games
You can say, "well at least he is trying" which is true. But, you could also say that having guys refer to themselves as PROFESSIONAL Bowlers and put up repeated poor performances is unacceptable. Everybody has a bad tournament, but this individual has never avg'd higher than 205 which he did for only 24 games. His sport shot averages are in the mid 160s.
I wish I had that kind of money to burn.