My league teammate was crossing with Wes Malott and Chris Barnes. You shoulda seen how Wes was playing the lanes! Holy cow - 7th arrow, lofting the ball 20-25 feet! (And by loft, I don't mean a flat projection loft but an upwards loft). I mean, I think it was airborne over the 7th arrow as the ball was landing a good 5-10 feet past the arrows.
On the right lane, he was standing in front of the ball return and releasing the ball over the right hand gutter of the left lane. He lost one ball though that sailed into the right gutter. Rudy Revs was playing almost the same line and dropped one ball that became an instant gutter shot in the left gutter.
The righties were playing either over 10 with no hand or around 6th arrow, particularly later in the shift. Many righties were starting in front of the ball return when on the right lane.
The lefties weren't playing as extreme a line at all - mostly between 10-15 with a slight belly to the left. It still wasn't easy for the lefties as the righties were burning the heads on the left side, causing lots of carry issues for the lefties. Still, the left side looks like it's a more playable shot, at least today anyway.
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Edited on 1/12/2006 0:57 AM