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Author Topic: This weeks show....  (Read 10666 times)


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This weeks show....
« on: November 08, 2009, 03:27:42 AM »
I tune in to watch bowling,not a recap of the entire qualifying tournament!!!!!!! I could care less how they got there. This is stupid. No wonder the PBA is losing viewers and support from the general public.
 Definitely not like the hey days of the old Saturday afternoon telecasts. Idiots...............
 JTTDB---Just Throw The Damn Ball
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Re: This weeks show....
« Reply #106 on: November 11, 2009, 12:40:43 PM »
The only way the regular PBA show will keep a non-bowler's attention is if every bowler has the front 10-11 every game.  Unfortunately, such a show (on a regular basis) would make the sport a laughingstock.

I think this show has a chance due to its "reality show" style presentation.  Until the numbers are presented showing how the show did, we won't really know anything.  Even then, it was only one show.  But I do think that a similar style show, as a lead-in for the regular show, may lead to an increase in viewers.

The truth is, we'll never know if they don't try.  And at this point, they need to try EVERYTHING.


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Re: This weeks show....
« Reply #107 on: November 11, 2009, 12:43:05 PM »

  The show STUNK. The show SUCKED. The show did any number of objectionable adjectives. Just apply those same principles to other aspects of life to see how much.

  Imagine, instead of actually making love, you got to imagine it while your girlfriend/wife/lover gave you an entertaining narrative of what it is like to make love.  Happy yet?

  Instead of the X-rated movie you rented, you find inside the case an informative documentary on the actors and how they came to be porn stars. How about now?

  Instead of actually watching a football game, you get 3 hrs of Brent Musberger and Bryant Gumbell talking about what it takes to be a professional player with only highlights of the game in the background. Getting there now?

  Imagine listening to Harry Cary's broadcast of baseball games. Little more than vague narratives of the action at times. Surely THIS got my point across.

  The PBA needs to do something, sure, but actually taking the action off and replacing it with "interesting documentary" was ridiculous. A waste of my time that won't happen again. I tune in to see bowling, not listen to how many bad breaks Chris Barnes had this week or how Norm Duke played down the outside. I WANT TO SEE IT, NOT HEAR ABOUT IT.

  Yes, I knew it was going to be different, so I watched to give it a chance and see what it was.  Now I know, and it was NOT GOOD. Informative, yes, but entertaining? NO.

  Am I b!tch!ng about it? YES I AM!  Do I b1tch about everything? No, only when I don't get something that satisfies me, and Sunday's show certainly did not.
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Re: This weeks show....
« Reply #108 on: November 11, 2009, 12:58:39 PM »
i liked the idea, and the show was ok

what i would change is the way the conclusion, i would ve liked more if they had a live game for final
When a house bowler misses the mark, misses the break point and strike, for many ppl its called a wallshot. When a pro does that its call adjustment

When a house bowler gets his finger stuck in the ball and fall on the lanes, for many ppl its called lame bowler. When a pro does that its called the Machuga flop! ha i like this one.


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Re: This weeks show....
« Reply #109 on: November 11, 2009, 01:00:44 PM »

  The show STUNK. The show SUCKED. The show did any number of objectionable adjectives. Just apply those same principles to other aspects of life to see how much.

  Imagine, instead of actually making love, you got to imagine it while your girlfriend/wife/lover gave you an entertaining narrative of what it is like to make love.  Happy yet?

  Instead of the X-rated movie you rented, you find inside the case an informative documentary on the actors and how they came to be porn stars. How about now?

  Instead of actually watching a football game, you get 3 hrs of Brent Musberger and Bryant Gumbell talking about what it takes to be a professional player with only highlights of the game in the background. Getting there now?

  Imagine listening to Harry Cary's broadcast of baseball games. Little more than vague narratives of the action at times. Surely THIS got my point across.

  The PBA needs to do something, sure, but actually taking the action off and replacing it with "interesting documentary" was ridiculous. A waste of my time that won't happen again. I tune in to see bowling, not listen to how many bad breaks Chris Barnes had this week or how Norm Duke played down the outside. I WANT TO SEE IT, NOT HEAR ABOUT IT.

  Yes, I knew it was going to be different, so I watched to give it a chance and see what it was.  Now I know, and it was NOT GOOD. Informative, yes, but entertaining? NO.

  Am I b!tch!ng about it? YES I AM!  Do I b1tch about everything? No, only when I don't get something that satisfies me, and Sunday's show certainly did not.
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"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."
Albert Einstein

Yes you are entitled to your opinion and you make some valid points, this was one show and I for one did like the change.  Is it something that I would like to see every week, no I would like to see them mix it up a little.  I am not looking for the PBA to be like the NFL or NBA (the only football or basketball I watch is an the college games I can't stand watching pro football or basketball this is my opinion on those two sports not anyone else).  As was said before they are not just trying to market the PBA to diehard bowlers but to the masses and guess what reality tv while is not my favorite is huge in todays tv market so I can understand why they are trying something along that route.  We don't know what the ratings are we just know that some of us liked the show and some of us really disliked the show in the end it is definitely nothing to blow a gasket over.



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Re: This weeks show....
« Reply #110 on: November 11, 2009, 01:08:36 PM »
    The difference is that for everything you mentioned, you find out at the time it is different. For the show this week, you knew a week in advance. They told you specifically that this was a "behind the scenes" look at the tournament. So your examples are apples to organes and don't hold water.

And as far as the average bowler....are you an average bowler? From what I have read, no. So how do YOU know the averagte bowler or a non-bowler found it boring? If you read through this thread there are 1 or 2 cases where people say their spouses, who aren't bowlers, enjoyed the show. The one or two "average bowlers" I have talked to, said they enjoyed the show.

Did I enjoy the show as a 220-230 average bowler? Yes. Do I want to see it every week? No. Do I think there might have been a few too many commercials? Yes, but if you think about it, that means the PBA sold all that time to sponsors....less money the PBA had to shell out of it's own pocket to broadcast the show, which I see as a good thing. Sometimes good things for some mean some small inconveniences for others. I can deal with a few extra commercials if it means the PBA saves money that it can put back into the tour.

Again, you didn't like it, no issues with that. But why do you continue to try and pour your hateraid all over it with these nonsensical comparisons, that aren't even close to the same thing? Just let it go....I think we all know where you stand on it by now.....the hater in you made sure of that.



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Re: This weeks show....
« Reply #111 on: November 11, 2009, 01:33:33 PM »
How about this.

For all of you that loved the show, what if you had a choice.

You could see a documentary on bowling OR you could watch MUTIPLE FULL HEADS UP matches.

Which one would you prefer ??  Which one would you rather watch ?? (same question, just worded different).


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Re: This weeks show....
« Reply #112 on: November 11, 2009, 02:05:37 PM »
    The difference is that for everything you mentioned, you find out at the time it is different. For the show this week, you knew a week in advance. They told you specifically that this was a "behind the scenes" look at the tournament. So your examples are apples to organes and don't hold water.

  Said I knew it was different, so I watched it to give it a chance. The examples I gave were what I experienced when I saw HOW different. I thought there would at least be SOME bowling, not just highlights.

And as far as the average bowler....are you an average bowler? From what I have read, no. So how do YOU know the averagte bowler or a non-bowler found it boring?

 They told me so. Asked me "How can you watch that crap" was the exact quote, I believe.
 Friends. Who knew.

If you read through this thread there are 1 or 2 cases where people say their spouses, who aren't bowlers, enjoyed the show. The one or two "average bowlers" I have talked to, said they enjoyed the show.

 Evidently, the people I know have different tastes. Many said it was a stupid waste of time.

Did I enjoy the show as a 220-230 average bowler? Yes. Do I want to see it every week? No. Do I think there might have been a few too many commercials? Yes, but if you think about it, that means the PBA sold all that time to sponsors....less money the PBA had to shell out of it's own pocket to broadcast the show, which I see as a good thing. Sometimes good things for some mean some small inconveniences for others. I can deal with a few extra commercials if it means the PBA saves money that it can put back into the tour.

1. Disagree--2. Agree--3. Agree--4. Good point.  Extra commercials are O.K., but no actual bowling wasn't.

Again, you didn't like it, no issues with that. But why do you continue to try and pour your hateraid all over it with these nonsensical comparisons, that aren't even close to the same thing?

 Just emphatically showing my agreement with JOE FALCO, who coincidentally, has been reprimanded throughout this thread for his negative comments.

Just let it go....

 I will, probably this week, as soon as I see the show get back to a semblance of normalcy.

I think we all know where you stand on it by now.....the hater in you made sure of that.

 No total hater here, just hated the format of that single show. And tired of people "hating" on us who didn't like the show, telling us it was a good thing.

 If I'm not qualified to know what's bad, how are you qualified to know what's good?
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Re: This weeks show....
« Reply #113 on: November 11, 2009, 02:10:09 PM »
Why bother with the "death not an option" game?

Hardcore bowlers are probably more inclined to want nothing but bowling, preferably live, for as long as possible.

Non-hardcore bowlers are probably more inclined to want the reality show aspect...assuming they had no choice than to choose one of the BOWLING options versus something else entirely.

Bottom will watch WHATEVER the PBA decides to put on.  There is no choice.


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Re: This weeks show....
« Reply #114 on: November 11, 2009, 02:18:43 PM »
Bottom will watch WHATEVER the PBA decides to put on.  There is no choice.[/quote]

You dont have to turn on the tv to watch it, so yes there is a choice. Point is if you love it, fine. Thats your opinion, my take is i tune in to see and watch the best in the world bowl head to head. Thank goodness it was only one week. I find it hard to beleive this one show is gonna draw that many more viewers than actualy bowling. If people already arent interested in the actual sport of bowling, what makes you think people will tune in to watch what said bowlers actually go through each week? Here again, im not saying the show was a dud. I made my choice to actually bowl in a tournament when i found out there wasnt gonna be much bowling, heck i dont even watch reality shows during the week.
Taking your lunch money, one strike at a time....

Edited on 11/11/2009 3:20 PM
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Re: This weeks show....
« Reply #115 on: November 11, 2009, 02:51:45 PM »
    I will say this again.....not getting on anyone for their opinion of the show. Some liked it, some didn't like it....always is going to happen. But after you have stated your opinion, as this especially goes to Mr. Falco, you went on and had to p#$s on the show. You expected something different...why? They explained what it was the week before. Again, not asking you or anyone to change your opinion.....which seems to get lost by everyone on these boards, as soon as you call someone out the immediate response is "oh you just want me to think like you". What a bunch of insecure people we must have on here. My initial response was drawn out by Falco calling others "haters" after the "hater" comments he posted, hypocrisy is one thing that bothers me a great deal, and I will call people on that.



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Re: This weeks show....
« Reply #116 on: November 11, 2009, 03:21:46 PM »
hypocrisy is one thing that bothers me a great deal, and I will call people on that.

Does that give me the option to chose the weapon?
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Re: This weeks show....
« Reply #117 on: November 11, 2009, 06:55:10 PM »
Seems I'm not the only one who thought that the show was a waste of an hour and a half.  Especially when everything got posted all over everywhere about who already won.  It's not much fun watching a show that's basically feels like a rerun if you think about it, all the fun gets sucked out of it, and then they do that with it?  The show was terrible.  The way they did it was completely uninteresting.  It was so disjointed, we saw very little bowling at all, it was just plain boring.  And what's with the cheeseball thing where the two blondes walk the bowlers a whole ten steps down to the approach.  It looked nothing like a tv final.  I already thought they had a good intro with the lights out and the laser lights and making it all look like something.  This just looked like a bunch of people watching a couple guys pot bowling.  Horrendous show.  I decided to watch the KANSAS CITY CHIEFS-JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS game over the show.  Yeah, that's how bad I thought it was.  

Who is involved with decisions like that?  The vast majority of posters on this thread said they hated it, so I'm lost as to how the people making this decision thought it was a good one and went through with it.  If I was just a casual viewer flipping through channels, I might have watched a minute and kept going.  Nothing about that show even held MY interest, and I'm a freakin bowler!  They might have saved some money on the format of bowling a million tournaments at the same time, but I wonder if it will offset the money they're going to lose from loss of interest.  The first time they've ever done a best 4 out of 7 tv final . . and they destroy it.  I'd have liked to see that in its entirety.  Yes, I'll still watch next week, even though I already know who won . . but I most likely won't tune into the whole show, I'll just catch it on commercials of whatever football game is on.  Very disappointed.
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Re: This weeks show....
« Reply #118 on: November 11, 2009, 09:25:17 PM »
And as far as the average bowler....are you an average bowler? From what I have read, no. So how do YOU know the averagte bowler or a non-bowler found it boring? If you read through this thread there are 1 or 2 cases where people say their spouses, who aren't bowlers, enjoyed the show. The one or two "average bowlers" I have talked to, said they enjoyed the show.

Here is my opinion on this show.  I did not see the telecast the week before and had this on dvr.  I was not interested at all with this show.  Now as you posted this is my opinion as a above average bowler.  Now my 2 year old and 6 year old son's always watch bowling they don't bowl and would be considered non bowlers.  They could not watch more the 5 minutes of it.  My wife who would be considered a average bowler could not stand the show at all.  I don't think this is the right direction to go in and hope they get back on track somehow.  I give them credit for trying but don't think this is going down the right path.
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Re: This weeks show....
« Reply #119 on: November 13, 2009, 08:09:50 AM »
I thought it was a great idea to show what goes on during an entire week of PBA competition. Most people that watch on sunday have no idea the grind these guys go thru on a day to day basis. I commend the PBA for giving viewers the insite of all the behind the scenes moments.

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Re: This weeks show....
« Reply #120 on: November 13, 2009, 02:19:10 PM »
I think anything that garners this much discussion about bowling has to be good for the sport.