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Author Topic: This weeks show....  (Read 10680 times)


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This weeks show....
« on: November 08, 2009, 03:27:42 AM »
I tune in to watch bowling,not a recap of the entire qualifying tournament!!!!!!! I could care less how they got there. This is stupid. No wonder the PBA is losing viewers and support from the general public.
 Definitely not like the hey days of the old Saturday afternoon telecasts. Idiots...............
 JTTDB---Just Throw The Damn Ball
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Re: This weeks show....
« Reply #121 on: November 13, 2009, 03:03:14 PM »
I thought it was a great idea to show what goes on during an entire week of PBA competition. Most people that watch on sunday have no idea the grind these guys go thru on a day to day basis. I commend the PBA for giving viewers the insite of all the behind the scenes moments.


 I've had my flogging here, but wanted to respond to you, so here goes. I "get" what the PBA was shooting for, I just fail to see how they (PBA) ever came to the conclusion that was what the "average" viewer would be interested in seeing/finding out. You said "Most people that watch on sunday have no idea the grind these guys go thru on a day to day basis", and while that is true, I really don't think most people care.  

  I don't think they (viewers) care about ANY sport they watch in this way. An insightful look at pro football players, pro basketball players, or players of ANY professional sport and what they go through on a weekly basis might be interesting, but I'm willing to bet the NFL, NBA, or ANY other sports league would NOT replace an actual game with such a telecast for fear they would LOSE viewers. I do not think they would even remotely think something like this would GAIN viewers, do you?

 Trying something new and different would be a bit more understandable if someone would/could help me see how replacing the very thing that most tune in to see with an in depth, "reality" type broadcast.
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Albert Einstein

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