Wow--what reactions................
I know it was different. I just didn't see the amount of bowling that should have been there. This was more of a documentary of HOW they got to the c-ship finals.
Finding out that last year's POY, Big Wes, lost out and only go to see him throw one shot---no explanation why. Bad ball reaction,bad lanes,tired,sick---just told that in one 5 second sequence. No other reasoning given.......
Finding out Voss is using a "golden parachute" exemption. I know what it is,but does everyone? Explain it instead of only telling us.
I do agree that maybe once a year do this format. But other than that,why not go back to the 3 game series format?? We'll really get to see who can bowl over a time period,not one game. That was fun to watch WRW and Chris Barnes do that.
I just hope that the casual bowler who tunes in to watch wasn't turned off,if you will, and stop watching all TV finals thinking they're all going to be like that one.
JTTDB---Just Throw The Damn Ball
Don't "think"---that ball isn't in your bag yet..........