at the rate the pba is going these days, we wont have much longer to complain about it. when i found out it was gonna be a recap instead of actualy matches, i made plans to bowl in a tournament. i really dont care for the direction the current pba is headed, although its tough for me to critisize the powers that be for trying something different. at least they are trying to do things different.
i think for bowling to truly be taken seriously, the PBA show has to be ran seriously starting with the commentating. all this HAMBONE crap and the person that came up with it needs to go. How hard is to to give randy somebody who actually has "some" bowling knowledge to work with? im all for having fun, but when the match is serious so shold be the commentating. want a guideline for future telecasts? try looking up the old ABC-TV telecasts with Chris Schenkel and Bo Burton. At least Chris took the time to learn the game, and grew to love it. Is it too much to ask for the commentators these days to actually know a bit of whatever it is they are getting paid to comment on?

i think bowling needs to get away from Sunday telecasts all together, bring back wednesday time slots and Marshall Holman! Quit trying to compete with the NFL for viewers and ratings. i liked the different tournament formats last year like the plastic ball tournament, the house shot tournaments etc. i think this year though cost cutting has hurt the overall telecasts. as bad as they used to be, with it being taped they have lost all the "spark", as little as they had to begin with. i just feel like we are seeing the beginning of the end, all we have left is the PBA, it the face of bowling these days, and if its gone i think bowling as a whole will be too. Sad really...
STORM:If You Hear The Thunder,Sorry,The Lightning's Already Struck!