With all due respect, MANY consider low-scoring PBA shows to be snoozefests and a complete lack of entertainment. Would you prefer that the PBA get rid of those as well?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I thought the show was great, you did not. There is no beef there. However, many of the complaints are pretty weak.
"I want to see more bowling" - Has anyone proven that less frames of bowling were shown during this show than on any other show? Typical 4-man step ladder has 80 many were shown during this one? If it is significantly less, than the complaint is valid...but I doubt it is.
"I want more ball and drilling info" - Didn't happen before, probably won't ever happen. (Doesn't happen in golf either, does it?)
"There were too many commercials" - Without them, the show wouldn't be on the air and the PBA would most likely be gone. They are pretty close to that right now.
All of us will be watching these shows, regardless of what changes they make. Many were up in arms about the format changes when the new owners took over, but they are still watching. The PBA cannot, and should not, try to cater to the die-hards! They need to get more viewers HOWEVER they need to do it, or else you won't have to worry about the type of show they produce because there won't be one.