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Author Topic: Today's Telecast  (Read 6726 times)


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Today's Telecast
« on: April 01, 2012, 11:01:31 PM »
Rather than dwell on who won today, did anyone notice the woman behind Pedersen and Salvino ? Gee, I wonder if she was placed there just for the interview........


Sunshine n Lollipops

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Re: Today's Telecast
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2012, 12:27:03 AM »
Total B.S.  USBC and PBA have tried to shove Belmonte down our throats.  Special exemption, all the press in the world, etc.  Funny thing is, watch the high school tournaments and count the number of two handed bowlers on your thumbs.  So who's buying into it?  Not a hell of a lot of people that are young enough to learn it. 
It puts way more stress on knee and back using two hands.  Watch the power and revs that Rash, Couch, Jones, Fagan and the other power players put on the ball using one hand and the sane person asks how much more is needed?  Answer:  NONE!  Need proof?  Who is the other bowler mentioned in the same breath in talks of Bowler of the Year.....that's right, good  ol' up the boards Norm Duke.
You drink the two handed Kool-Aid the USBC and PBA are serving regarding Belmonte if you want to.  You ever ask why they don't promote Osku Palermaa as much?  Because they aren't promoting the style, their promoting the character.  Crocodile Dundee was mighty popular back in the day so why not try to re-capture that?  You've swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.  G'day, mate. 
LuckyLefty wrote on 4/10/2012 9:39 PM:
He is a fantastic thrower of the ball.  His lack of carry on his first ball in the 10th cost him the match.  His next ball was perfect, probably having an extra hand on the ball could have helped him get the extra axis rotation he needed on ball 1 in the 10th.


Unfortunately he is wrong about the two hander advantage and like the other one handers their ranks will diminish.


I believe it was Mo Pinel who once said to paraphrase, in the future we are going to ask,, "Why is that old guy throwing with only one hand?





It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana

 Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand.  I, I believe in love.  


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Re: Today's Telecast
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2012, 11:10:39 AM »
While I don't agree with you most of the time, you hit the nail on the head. More props because you did it almost as eloquently as the renowned Jls.

DeVaney was not being rude at all. He just answered the question directly with no preservatives.

Sunshine n Lollipops wrote on 4/10/2012 10:27 PM:
Total B.S.  USBC and PBA have tried to shove Belmonte down our throats.  Special exemption, all the press in the world, etc.  Funny thing is, watch the high school tournaments and count the number of two handed bowlers on your thumbs.  So who's buying into it?  Not a hell of a lot of people that are young enough to learn it. 
It puts way more stress on knee and back using two hands.  Watch the power and revs that Rash, Couch, Jones, Fagan and the other power players put on the ball using one hand and the sane person asks how much more is needed?  Answer:  NONE!  Need proof?  Who is the other bowler mentioned in the same breath in talks of Bowler of the Year.....that's right, good  ol' up the boards Norm Duke.
You drink the two handed Kool-Aid the USBC and PBA are serving regarding Belmonte if you want to.  You ever ask why they don't promote Osku Palermaa as much?  Because they aren't promoting the style, their promoting the character.  Crocodile Dundee was mighty popular back in the day so why not try to re-capture that?  You've swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.  G'day, mate. 
LuckyLefty wrote on 4/10/2012 9:39 PM:
He is a fantastic thrower of the ball.  His lack of carry on his first ball in the 10th cost him the match.  His next ball was perfect, probably having an extra hand on the ball could have helped him get the extra axis rotation he needed on ball 1 in the 10th.


Unfortunately he is wrong about the two hander advantage and like the other one handers their ranks will diminish.


I believe it was Mo Pinel who once said to paraphrase, in the future we are going to ask,, "Why is that old guy throwing with only one hand?





It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana

 Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand.  I, I believe in love.  

Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.

Most things we like, we don't need. Most things we need, we don't like. Don't confuse your likes with your needs.


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Re: Today's Telecast
« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2012, 11:26:30 AM »
I have no problem with the's within the rules and has great potential.  The problem is that it will eventually finish the game off and kill it.  There is no way that the majority of the bowlers that throw it like that can do it effectively into their senior years, which is where a large chunk of bowling still exists.  Their bodies will begin to loose flexibility and eventually they'll be forced to change.  Imagine having to totally redo your golf swing at 45 years old (meaning changing everything and totally starting over).  How many would really do it at that age?
Bowling is really dying...2 handed will finish it off by taking the next crop and making 3/4 of them stop by the time their 40.

Little known fact:  In Russian "Hope" and "Change" translate to "Tax" and "Spend"


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Re: Today's Telecast
« Reply #19 on: April 11, 2012, 01:07:31 PM »
I disagree for several reason.
1. Golfers may not have to revamp their whole swing, but they do need to change the way the play as they age and lose distance.  FWIW, my dad just had to retool his golf swing at 55 to take away a lot of his backswing due to back problems.  He was willing to do it because he loves the sport.  I've also watched countless bowlers switch to LH, if only temporarily, because they want to continue to bowl.  IIRC, LuckyLefty made the same switch permanently.  I doubt someone will walk away from the game after 40+ years if they can keep playing with a switch in mechanics.  Would you?
2. I agree that a lot of two-handers will need to change at some point when they get older.  I don't think that that is any different for one handed crankers though.  Fagan will eventually have to change.  Rash will eventually have to change.   Basically, anybody that isn't throwing it like Duke or PDW will have to change at some point.  Less dramatic of a change, sure, but change none-the-less.  People have been dealing with the effects of aging for years.  Watch Carmen Salvino during the TOC (if you have xtra frame), and compare it to how he used to bowl:  
3. Even if they have to change, why use that as an excuse not to two-hand?  There is a LOT that can go wrong before the age of 50 that will prematurely stop me from bowling.  Many of those things are in my family history.  If I have more fun in the present using two hands than one, I'm going to use two hands and make the switch later on if it comes to that.  You don't know whats going to happen in the future, so enjoy the present to the fullest.
Russell wrote on 4/11/2012 9:26 AM:
I have no problem with the's within the rules and has great potential.  The problem is that it will eventually finish the game off and kill it.  There is no way that the majority of the bowlers that throw it like that can do it effectively into their senior years, which is where a large chunk of bowling still exists.  Their bodies will begin to loose flexibility and eventually they'll be forced to change.  Imagine having to totally redo your golf swing at 45 years old (meaning changing everything and totally starting over).  How many would really do it at that age?
Bowling is really dying...2 handed will finish it off by taking the next crop and making 3/4 of them stop by the time their 40.

Little known fact:  In Russian "Hope" and "Change" translate to "Tax" and "Spend"


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Re: Today's Telecast
« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2012, 01:14:38 PM »
As you know Randy; I am approaching that age (40).  As we both know, 2 handed style is not for everyone.  It does require alot of flexibility.  I would hope that those that try it and see they dont have the flexibility and/or ball speed it requires will be smart enough to know it isnt for them.  The main thing to look at is the fact that it isnt so much the style as it is the strength of the bowling balls.  Us two handers already are borderline not able to control most of the higher end stuff out there and the higher end stuff from 5 years ago has trickled down to "entry level" stuff.  IMO.....having to loft the first 20 feet of gutter whether it be league or tournament is absolutely stupid.  But the sport has made it necessary in certain cases.  This is the main reason why as of right now, I dont think 2 handed bowling is the future of the sport; not unless you are going to keep balls like the Tornado and Freeze in existance, which wont happen because the Tornado is already discontinued.  Yes....guys like Belmo are getting away with it now only because they can hum the ball at 20-22mph at their release.  We cant do that forever.  I know for a fact I may not have much longer to be able to do this as I have a feeling I am going to be the equivalent to Fred Couples as far as back issues are concerned if I do this too much longer.  It is going to feel really strange to convert back to the one handed style but also know that balls nowadays are way stronger than they were when I was one handed (80s-early 90s).  People are going way overboard with the hatred towards two handers because of all the league and tournament bowlers out there, what percentage are two handers?  2% maybe?  People just need to stop!

Russell wrote on 4/11/2012 9:26 AM:
I have no problem with the's within the rules and has great potential.  The problem is that it will eventually finish the game off and kill it.  There is no way that the majority of the bowlers that throw it like that can do it effectively into their senior years, which is where a large chunk of bowling still exists.  Their bodies will begin to loose flexibility and eventually they'll be forced to change.  Imagine having to totally redo your golf swing at 45 years old (meaning changing everything and totally starting over).  How many would really do it at that age?


Bowling is really dying...2 handed will finish it off by taking the next crop and making 3/4 of them stop by the time their 40.

Little known fact: In Russian "Hope" and "Change" translate to "Tax" and "Spend"

Peace doesnt always have to be silent.
Steven Vance
Former Pro Shop Operator
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Re: Today's Telecast
« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2012, 03:20:01 PM »
Why? In this country, its ok if you like something and I hate it. What if the haters demanded that you stopped liking something that was within your rights to like or hate?


The point is, DeVaney has a right to his opinion and it does not have to be in line with the majority or sanctimoniously expressed.

Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.

Most things we like, we don't need. Most things we need, we don't like. Don't confuse your likes with your needs.


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Re: Today's Telecast
« Reply #22 on: April 11, 2012, 04:00:41 PM »
Well, right in his signature,,,CCrider says it all.


Those that can, DO!  Those that can't complain! 


So it is with those that can't two hand!  (I can't either wll so far(at least yet).


To Sunshine, I've swallowed no Kool Aid.  I have two sons that liked to go to the bowling alley and throw with me when they were 4.  They both got frustrated with hitting the pocket and picked up my ball, and threw it 2 handed.

"No No NO" I said regarding throwing my 15 pounder!  I grabbed an 8 or 10 off the rack. There it started.


One of them is pretty good!  Even though just like Belmo he was told to stop by a league official.  A few years ago I suggested he go back to his "natural style".  He is having a lot of fun with it!  Where he goes I don't know, but I've posted a fHegjam or two regarding him and taken it down as there wasn't much interest.


No koolaid.  Just personal experience and appreciation for what it is!  Great!  If one can do it!





PS I wish I when forced to switch I  had thought of 2 handed instead of left handed!  I'm MUCH more coordinated righty!  But lefty has had it's fun moments too.  (Oh know who I'm ticked at!?)  Those Darn backup ball plastic bowlers muckin up my side!  $%$!!!!!!  Grrrrr!



It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana

Sunshine n Lollipops

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Re: Today's Telecast
« Reply #23 on: April 11, 2012, 06:34:24 PM »
You have reiterated the points I made.  Unless the conditions are in the extreme, you don't need the power.  BUT, you did misunderstand what I and a lot of people are saying.  Nobody, especially me, is hating on two handed bowlers.  What we are hating on is the PBA and USBC trying to shove Belmonte down our throats.  I do not know him personally so my feelings about him are formed from what I read and see on television.  That being said, I think he's an arrogant punk who truly thinks all he has to do is hit the head pin and he will strike and I also think he's a poor sport as indicated by his role in "waterbottle-gate".  Like I said, we don't hear half as much about Osku as we do "the laughing Aussie".  Why is that?  Myself and a lot of others know it's pure marketing.  
Let me add one other thing.  BOWLING IS NOT DYING!!!!!!   The growth and continued existence of the sport is indicated by the strength of the high school and college bowling programs.  These kids are getting great coaching and learning the difference between bowling on a THS and a Sport shot.  What bowling is doing on a whole is leveling out, just like water seeks it's own level.  There is no way bowling could keep the numbers that they had in the Golden Era of the 60's, 70's, and 80's.  There are too many other things to do these days, with both people's time and money.  Nobody mentions the fact that a majority of bowling centers close NOT because play in them went down but because the owners found out the land the center was on was much too valuable not to sell so another Panera bread or strip mall could be built.  Naysayers of the sport today were never big fans of the sport to begin with in my opinion.
TWOHAND834 wrote on 4/11/2012 11:14 AM:
As you know Randy; I am approaching that age (40).  As we both know, 2 handed style is not for everyone.  It does require alot of flexibility.  I would hope that those that try it and see they dont have the flexibility and/or ball speed it requires will be smart enough to know it isnt for them.  The main thing to look at is the fact that it isnt so much the style as it is the strength of the bowling balls.  Us two handers already are borderline not able to control most of the higher end stuff out there and the higher end stuff from 5 years ago has trickled down to "entry level" stuff.  IMO.....having to loft the first 20 feet of gutter whether it be league or tournament is absolutely stupid.  But the sport has made it necessary in certain cases.  This is the main reason why as of right now, I dont think 2 handed bowling is the future of the sport; not unless you are going to keep balls like the Tornado and Freeze in existance, which wont happen because the Tornado is already discontinued.  Yes....guys like Belmo are getting away with it now only because they can hum the ball at 20-22mph at their release.  We cant do that forever.  I know for a fact I may not have much longer to be able to do this as I have a feeling I am going to be the equivalent to Fred Couples as far as back issues are concerned if I do this too much longer.  It is going to feel really strange to convert back to the one handed style but also know that balls nowadays are way stronger than they were when I was one handed (80s-early 90s).  People are going way overboard with the hatred towards two handers because of all the league and tournament bowlers out there, what percentage are two handers?  2% maybe?  People just need to stop!

Russell wrote on 4/11/2012 9:26 AM:
I have no problem with the's within the rules and has great potential.  The problem is that it will eventually finish the game off and kill it.  There is no way that the majority of the bowlers that throw it like that can do it effectively into their senior years, which is where a large chunk of bowling still exists.  Their bodies will begin to loose flexibility and eventually they'll be forced to change.  Imagine having to totally redo your golf swing at 45 years old (meaning changing everything and totally starting over).  How many would really do it at that age?


Bowling is really dying...2 handed will finish it off by taking the next crop and making 3/4 of them stop by the time their 40.

Little known fact: In Russian "Hope" and "Change" translate to "Tax" and "Spend"

Peace doesnt always have to be silent.

 Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand.  I, I believe in love.  


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Re: Today's Telecast
« Reply #24 on: April 11, 2012, 10:39:30 PM »
I disagree with the golf analogy, as you age your back and core slowly tighten up, which simply shortens the swing.  You don't have to start over from scratch and learn how to swing an entirely new way.  Throwing the ball one handed is the same way, as you age your body slowly breaks down, but you can keep doing it and your scores slowly decline.
Steven you're kind of making my point.  You're in your late 30's and remain competitive because of those balls.  The elite 2 handers can throw it hard and that's why they are the elite.  There are guys all over the world that can crank 550 rpms out 2 handed, but most can't get enough push through the fronts to be effective with it.  When you were younger you threw it harder, and you could throw stronger balls because of it.  Now you're using Tornados and Freezes on fresh league wall when I'm 400 rpms throwing a Defiant 15 to 7.  What will happen as you loose more flexibility and ball speed?
I don't mean that as a slap, you're a good player, just saying that the elite players that throw it 2 handed can generate lots of ball speed, and they are all younger.  Your ball speed 10 years ago to now isn't drastically less, but slightly...and I'm referring more to the 50+ crowd....which make up probably 40% of league bowlers.  If the next generation all have to totally redo their games before they reach that point....most will quit.
Again I'm not against the style, you have known me for years and know that isn't true.  I just worry about the ramifications of it on a sport that is already facing extinction.

Little known fact:  In Russian "Hope" and "Change" translate to "Tax" and "Spend"