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Author Topic: Todays show: Spoiler alert..  (Read 39200 times)


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Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« on: December 30, 2012, 01:44:19 PM »
I really have no issues with Scott Norton and him being gay but do they have to show his "spouse" every other shot? They never give the wife of someone on the show that much airtime, never. I was to the point of turning off the show and then at the end when his partner came out of the audience and they kissed on TV, I thought that was not in very good taste for a show on Sunday afternoon that a lot of kids watch. That is going to be fun to try to explain to children in several age ranges.

I just think ESPN went a tad bit overboard with all that today.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 01:47:06 PM by jkiser01 »
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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #151 on: January 08, 2013, 08:57:42 PM »
"Tell me this, what percentage of the population do you believe, actually maintains that being gay is morally o.k?  I say morally, because this is a moral, not a legal issue.  Does that mean that everyone that does not agree with those of you that think that it is hunky dory, is a bigot or intolerant?"

I couldn't have said this better myself! Well spoken ccrider. What's next? I don't like to be in the same room with someone who is smoking. Does that make me a bigot? If I choose not to hang around people because they are crack heads does that make me a bigot?

This whole conversation is just another example of why our country is in the shape it is in. We have taken The very faith our nation was founded over out of everything including schools. We have these shootings and then Wonder where God was when it happened. We forced him out. Our kids can't pray in school but ESPN can promote the ideas it did. We have a president who refuses to solute our flag, says he wants gun control to keep anymore of our kids from being harmed yet is one of the biggest supporters of partial birth abortions in history, tells us "no tax increase for the middle class" and raises out taxes on 80% of the nation month later. Our country is stuck believing whatever the media tells us. They are telling us homosexuality is okay and is morally right. If that's the case, why can't two males or two females have a child?

Until we all take a stand for what our parents taught us and stop believing everything the media tries to shove down our throats, this country's demise will continue.

More than 1,500 species in nature practice some kind of homosexuality, and yet most humans, influenced by an imaginary man in the sky, believe that being gay or lesbian is immoral. Morality is learned, I suggest that you get a new teacher. 

Scott is a personal friend of mine here in So Cal. He is a stand-up guy and wouldn't dare begrudge someone for who they are or what they did.

The smoking analogy doesn't hold up because smoking has been proven to kill people and second-hand smoke has been proven to be harmful to others, even causing death. Being gay doesn't harm anyone.

In the history of the USA, the intolerance of people based on race, gender, etc. has been steadily removed from our society. A person's sexual preference is a trait that will be defended by law very soon, I suggest you get used to it.

The very "faith" you describe is the same faith that is teaching you to be intolerant. The "faith" that's based on 2000 year old teachings. I suggest you grow a mind of your own and reconsider your ancient way of thinking. It's more moral to accept people for who they are than to default to a book written 2000 years ago when women were owned as slaves and everyone thought the world was flat.

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #152 on: January 09, 2013, 06:07:51 AM »
Fantastic reply to Arone, CCrider, and cav.  Have tried to explain to them that their bigotry is making them see preferential treatment where none existed.  Of course they are just too bigoted to admit it.  So which of these apply to you Three Stooges? Which of these categories are you too weak of mind to not be able to conquer.  Whic of these do you see yourselves in?


 Personal (internalized)homophobia (prejudice) is primarily caused by misinformation.
o As with racism and sexism, people are taught to be homophobic.
o Myths about LGBTQ people are perpetuated in our society despite the availability of
accurate information.
 Few children are given any unbiased information about LGBTQ people;
 many adults continue to believe the stereotypes they learned as children; and
 some religious and conservative organizations promote lies about lesbian, gay, and
bisexual people.

 Interpersonal homophobia (harassment and individual discrimination) can be explained by considering psychological factors in conjunction with prejudice.
o People who are not comfortable with their own sexuality, or who feel threatened by samesex sexuality, tend to be more rigid about what is sexually "right" and may try to punish or force their beliefs on LGBTQ people.

 Institutional homophobia is caused in part by competition for power. Societies such as our create scapegoats to maintain the status quo and the positions of those in power.
o During this century, groups such as Jews, African Americans, Asian Americans, Latin Americans, American Indians, women and LGBTQ people have all been blamed for a variety of social and economic problems.
o When scapegoating is successful, dominant groups don't need to take responsibility for injustice or give up privilege.

 Cultural homophobia is largely caused by social norms which dictate "correct" sexuality.
o Sexual contact between women, and between men, has been practiced in all societies throughout history and is openly accepted in many cultures.
o But Western civilization is generally repressive of sexuality in any form, other than
intercourse necessary for procreation or sexual activity in the context of heterosexual
marriage. Therefore, same‐sex sexuality will certainly be feared or damned.

"Tell me this, what percentage of the population do you believe, actually maintains that being gay is morally o.k?  I say morally, because this is a moral, not a legal issue.  Does that mean that everyone that does not agree with those of you that think that it is hunky dory, is a bigot or intolerant?"

I couldn't have said this better myself! Well spoken ccrider. What's next? I don't like to be in the same room with someone who is smoking. Does that make me a bigot? If I choose not to hang around people because they are crack heads does that make me a bigot?

This whole conversation is just another example of why our country is in the shape it is in. We have taken The very faith our nation was founded over out of everything including schools. We have these shootings and then Wonder where God was when it happened. We forced him out. Our kids can't pray in school but ESPN can promote the ideas it did. We have a president who refuses to solute our flag, says he wants gun control to keep anymore of our kids from being harmed yet is one of the biggest supporters of partial birth abortions in history, tells us "no tax increase for the middle class" and raises out taxes on 80% of the nation month later. Our country is stuck believing whatever the media tells us. They are telling us homosexuality is okay and is morally right. If that's the case, why can't two males or two females have a child?

Until we all take a stand for what our parents taught us and stop believing everything the media tries to shove down our throats, this country's demise will continue.

More than 1,500 species in nature practice some kind of homosexuality, and yet most humans, influenced by an imaginary man in the sky, believe that being gay or lesbian is immoral. Morality is learned, I suggest that you get a new teacher. 

Scott is a personal friend of mine here in So Cal. He is a stand-up guy and wouldn't dare begrudge someone for who they are or what they did.

The smoking analogy doesn't hold up because smoking has been proven to kill people and second-hand smoke has been proven to be harmful to others, even causing death. Being gay doesn't harm anyone.

In the history of the USA, the intolerance of people based on race, gender, etc. has been steadily removed from our society. A person's sexual preference is a trait that will be defended by law very soon, I suggest you get used to it.

The very "faith" you describe is the same faith that is teaching you to be intolerant. The "faith" that's based on 2000 year old teachings. I suggest you grow a mind of your own and reconsider your ancient way of thinking. It's more moral to accept people for who they are than to default to a book written 2000 years ago when women were owned as slaves and everyone thought the world was flat.
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #153 on: January 09, 2013, 10:53:14 AM »
Your responses are no responsive. Please slowly read my last response, focus really hard and try to respond to answer my questions. Or, continue to ramble if that is all that you are able to mentally handle.

lifted rillo

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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #154 on: January 09, 2013, 12:10:42 PM »
Please lock this thread. There is no rhyme or reason to have this discussion on a BOWLING forum.


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #155 on: January 09, 2013, 04:11:29 PM »
Please lock this thread. There is no rhyme or reason to have this discussion on a BOWLING forum.

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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #156 on: January 10, 2013, 11:55:39 AM »

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #157 on: January 10, 2013, 01:21:33 PM »
Those of you who want to duck your head in the sand and avoid the discussion private message OP to lock the thread so you can stop whining about it being here instead of just choosing to pass the thread by.   :o
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.


lifted rillo

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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #158 on: January 10, 2013, 01:34:31 PM »
Or maybe the mods could easily delete the thread. Sounds like someone needs to step in and take control of some dumb shit going on.

There's a difference in an educated debate, where both sides offer points and counterpoints, and a pissing match between people who have an agenda.

I'll say it again: PLEASE LOCK THIS THREAD!!!


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #159 on: January 10, 2013, 02:00:48 PM »
Showing his partner is one thing. Applauding him for coming out of the closet or being gay is totally different.

Just the message that ESPN should be sending the youth watching the show. OK boys and girls, young boys, its ok for you to kiss and date other young boys and by the way, be open about it.

Young girls, if you like your young female best freind, explore it, see where it takes you. Love her, kiss her, marry her if you choose.  It's perfectly fine. ;)

I know you're being sarcastic, but hell, I would applaud that message being sent out. It's a shame people are still so closed-minded and pathetically hateful and judgmental.

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #160 on: January 10, 2013, 03:07:20 PM »
For some people that is perfectly fine.  End of story.  Doesn't hurt you so keep your mouth shut about it.  Not too hard to solve.

Showing his partner is one thing. Applauding him for coming out of the closet or being gay is totally different.

Just the message that ESPN should be sending the youth watching the show. OK boys and girls, young boys, its ok for you to kiss and date other young boys and by the way, be open about it.

Young girls, if you like your young female best freind, explore it, see where it takes you. Love her, kiss her, marry her if you choose.  It's perfectly fine. ;)

I know you're being sarcastic, but hell, I would applaud that message being sent out. It's a shame people are still so closed-minded and pathetically hateful and judgmental.
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #161 on: January 10, 2013, 09:20:28 PM »
He man vs Iron man...who wins?

Teacher and Chess coach from Cleveland, Ohio..Go Tribe!

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