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Author Topic: Todays show: Spoiler alert..  (Read 39191 times)


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Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« on: December 30, 2012, 01:44:19 PM »
I really have no issues with Scott Norton and him being gay but do they have to show his "spouse" every other shot? They never give the wife of someone on the show that much airtime, never. I was to the point of turning off the show and then at the end when his partner came out of the audience and they kissed on TV, I thought that was not in very good taste for a show on Sunday afternoon that a lot of kids watch. That is going to be fun to try to explain to children in several age ranges.

I just think ESPN went a tad bit overboard with all that today.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 01:47:06 PM by jkiser01 »
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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #61 on: December 31, 2012, 01:23:02 PM »
After watching the telecast, again. I saw no platform for gay rights. The showed Craig twice in the first match (Tim Mack twice for Abdullah), twice in the second (WRW mother once), once in the finals Belmo's family once (my assumption because of the uninterrupted match), and the kissed and huged at the end and it was only shown again after the replay of Belmo's first shot in the tenth then Belmo shook Nortons hand. There was no platform or overly aggressive push for gay rights. The interview afterward, Norton thanked his support system which included Tony Reyes, His family and friends and his spouse. It stayed bowling oriented and it wasnt like Norton tongued his spouse down.

Anyone that has a problem with that is looking for something negative to say. And this is the reason why kids have problems with admitting their feelings about their choice. Yes we have the freedom to do and say what we feel within the limits of the law, but i think some abuse that right to share their own insecurities and pass them them off as opinions. Belmo wins, this isnt even a discussion. WRW wins, we continue on about how he's the G.O.A.T. Abdullah wins, we share his courageous story about his adversities with injury to win. Why is Norton so different? If a lesbian kissed her spouse on tv and cried after a win, we would be sharing how hot that looked on tv.

Again, lets grow up people. Way to take away from a hard fought victory guys.

This makes too much sense. Thus, the brain dead ogres in this thread will bypass your post.
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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #62 on: December 31, 2012, 01:29:08 PM »
Lol! I know NF. But, it is what it is.
James C. Jones
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Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #63 on: December 31, 2012, 01:35:58 PM »
Because some ignorant homophobe like you brought up him being gay when he won two years ago to try to diminish the accomplishment.  Notice that nobody who knows him felt uncomfortable about it, from the audience, to his fellow bowlers, to Belmonte himself who had no problem with a congratulatory hug.  Norton being gay was news only to an ignorant bigot such as yourself. 

Again, there was no platform being shown by ESPN.  Too suggest the PBA was exploiting the situation for ratings is just ludicrous.  What the PBA is banking on is the team competition, not showing a bowler's significant other.

If they weren't promoting it then why did they even bring the fact that he was gay up? If it was nothing out of their ordinary broadcast procedure why did they have to make mention of it?
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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #64 on: December 31, 2012, 01:39:00 PM »
Jesus, you really are ignorant, aren't you.  Do you really need it explained to you how the very nature of where bowling is conducted will limit the gate and hence the money available?  Do you really need it explained to you that bowling is a niche sport?  Are you really this ignorant?

I care because the PBA is all but extinct. Publicity like this is the last thing it needs in my opinion but hey maybe I'm wrong. I would say most of ESPNs viewers are heterosexual males who want to see "sports". Sunday was just another argument for Bowling's critics to say bowling isn't a sport. Just another reason Bowling's top players make 6 figures and other sports mediocre players make millions.
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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #65 on: December 31, 2012, 03:21:44 PM »
I knew this would blow up as soon as Scott won.  I've sat back and have read the thread and really don't have any extra points to make that weren't already covered by two of the most sensible voices in it, Northface and Rightcomplex.

For all of you that think "this is giving the PBA a black eye", do you honestly think that anyone is going to "abandon ship" and stop supporting the PBA because of this show?  C'mon, get real.  You don't have to agree with whether "homosexuality is right" or not because I'm sure everyone in this thread does or has done something in their everyday life that "isn't right".  It could be drinking, drugs, violence, verbal abuse, discrimination, theft, talking on their cellphone while driving, rolling through a stop sign.  Who's definition of right dictates more meaning over something else that by society norms isn't right?

Everyone has a right to do their own thing and enjoy success with their family regardless of sexual preference, race, or religious beliefs.  What if Fawaz Abdullah ran the ladder and thanked Allah on camera?  Would anyone here have a problem with that?  What does that say about you?

Tolerance and the ability to coexist goes a long way and speaks a lot on your character.  It may not mean anything to any of the people in this thread, and I really don't care if it does or not, but I have lost a lot of respect for some of the people on this site in general.  People whom I've read opinions from and valued insight from since 1999 when I first joined here.

We're all entitled to our opinions and I can respect the gall of some of you to voice your opinions. The slurs and prejudice, however is so evident in some of your words that I can't help but feel more ashamed everyday to be a part of the lessening community of people called "bowlers".

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #66 on: December 31, 2012, 03:51:29 PM »
This ignorance and intolerance is pervasive thru our entire society, not just bowling.  It's just bowlers, or at least the ones I know, never broached the subject as they only cared how a guy acted and bowled on the lanes.  None of this other stuff mattered.  Guess that's why our society is getting to be more and more of a joke.
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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #67 on: December 31, 2012, 04:20:21 PM »
I don't like reaction shots of audience members EVER in PBA telecasts (or other sporting events), so I could do without seeing anyone's spouse applauding or smiling or casting evil eyes, etc. Unfortunately for me, TV directors vehemently disagree with my stance; hence, we'll always see these kinds of reactions on TV.
Gay marriage/partnerships are here to stay, so people who don't like it will need to accept seeing it more and more often.
Personally, I strongly believe that being gay is NOT a lifestyle "choice" - you are either born gay or you are not born gay, just as you a born a teacher, a natural leader, a psychopath, an artist, etc. Lifestyle only enforces and makes it easier or tougher for your natural born instincts to appear and develop, but it doesn't change who or what you are deep inside. JMHO.


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #68 on: December 31, 2012, 04:40:03 PM »
I've known that Scott Norton is gay for quite some time and I have absolutely no problem with that. However, I have to admit, I was a little uncomfortable watching the show yesterday. I understand ESPN was trying to afford Scott and his family the same courtesies as any other bowler, especially because when he was on the show in 2010, they seemed to intentionally ignore that whole thing, but it just seemed like they overdid it. Maybe that's unfair, but that's just the way it felt for me.


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #69 on: December 31, 2012, 04:54:56 PM »
I say that man kissing etc. a man is wrong and that make's me intolerant? You say man sleeping with another man is ok and they have the right to choose.

Ok, you can be right in your own mind if that makes you happy or gay.  I will be intolerant till I die.

ESPN applauded this guy for coming out of the closet as though this was a good thing. Why is that?

I watch bowling to watch bowling; not to listen to gay propaganda. If gay dude is on the show again I will be watching something else.  I do not think that I will be the only one changing the channel.


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #70 on: December 31, 2012, 05:04:56 PM »
Ignorant huh? Well just why is bowling a "niche sport"??? Why can't it be more?? Im sure at some point in history a game called football that you played with your hands was a niche as well. Everyone in here bashes ESPN for their coverage and when I make a comment about mentioning someones sexual preference being inappropriate suddenly they are Gods gift to bowling. I think CSS does a much better job with college bowling than ESPN with the PBA.

ONCE AGAIN I STATE: I have no problem with the kiss! I find it sick but I realize ESPN would be discriminating to have stopped it or edited it. However, they did not have to put him on a pedestal because "he recently came out of the closet" or however they put it. You can call me ignorant, conservative, Christian or what ever you wanna call me but sexual preference should not ever be mentioned in a PBA telecast.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 05:16:35 PM by Arone24 »


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #71 on: December 31, 2012, 05:56:27 PM »
Ignorant huh? Well just why is bowling a "niche sport"??? Why can't it be more?? Im sure at some point in history a game called football that you played with your hands was a niche as well. Everyone in here bashes ESPN for their coverage and when I make a comment about mentioning someones sexual preference being inappropriate suddenly they are Gods gift to bowling. I think CSS does a much better job with college bowling than ESPN with the PBA.

ONCE AGAIN I STATE: I have no problem with the kiss! I find it sick but I realize ESPN would be discriminating to have stopped it or edited it. However, they did not have to put him on a pedestal because "he recently came out of the closet" or however they put it. You can call me ignorant, conservative, Christian or what ever you wanna call me but sexual preference should not ever be mentioned in a PBA telecast.

Arone, I get exactly where you are coming from, but some people are just to rigid in there beliefs. Its either there way or the highway and no in between.

I will agree if the PBA did this just to get people into talking about bowling or the PBA it sure has worked.

But this is a subject that is always going to bring a lot of different view points, and not just one view point is necessarily correct.


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #72 on: December 31, 2012, 07:32:08 PM »
So when will the rainbow bowling bags go on sale? 


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #73 on: December 31, 2012, 07:42:04 PM »
Im not even going to read the entire thread.  From what i see, most of you that have a problem with his sexual preference are obviously living under rock somewhere...WHO cares that he is has nothing to with who he is.  Half of the keyboard pounders on here need to get a day job...sheesh...
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Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #74 on: December 31, 2012, 08:31:58 PM »
Yeah, tool, and there are gay men playing football in the NFL, baseball in the majors, hockey, basketball, EVERY SPORT.  Your analogy is found to be lacking.

Ignorant huh? Well just why is bowling a "niche sport"??? Why can't it be more?? Im sure at some point in history a game called football that you played with your hands was a niche as well. Everyone in here bashes ESPN for their coverage and when I make a comment about mentioning someones sexual preference being inappropriate suddenly they are Gods gift to bowling. I think CSS does a much better job with college bowling than ESPN with the PBA.

ONCE AGAIN I STATE: I have no problem with the kiss! I find it sick but I realize ESPN would be discriminating to have stopped it or edited it. However, they did not have to put him on a pedestal because "he recently came out of the closet" or however they put it. You can call me ignorant, conservative, Christian or what ever you wanna call me but sexual preference should not ever be mentioned in a PBA telecast.
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #75 on: December 31, 2012, 09:15:04 PM »
It was a gay show. Who cares, I was too busy watching the NFL. No men kissed but it was still great to see Romo choke.

Keep putting the PBA against the NFL and I will keep watching the NFL.
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.