I've stayed completely out of this conversation, as I knew that SOMEWHERE Norton, his win, and his preferences would come up. I wanted to avoid it... until now.
Disclaimer: I am Black/American Indian.
I'm actually disgusted with a lot of the comments I have seen here slamming Norton, especially regarding him being gay. And I guess I am also in the minority (well, when haven't I been in the minority?!?) in saying that I do not, nor have ever had a problem with it. Why? 4 words: George Brenham III, and Curtis Odom. Two other guys who were firsts in this sport, let alone in the HoF. Two minorities in a predominately all-white sport. I'll even throw in Monacelli as well to add more of a minority. All of these did well in a sport where they could have received (and probably did receive) ridicule and threats for encroaching in and upsetting the status quo. Yet everyone learned to accept them for who they are.
Now you guys are upset about Norton for being who he is? Would you rather have him live and be a lie just to placate your machismo? If so, then I really think a lot of people here have some soul searching to do because making someone or thinking someone should do that to placate the masses says a lot about the lack of humanity people have. Just like Blacks and Latinos are not less of a human than whites, neither is anyone who is gay/lesbian/bi. So they need to not be treated as such.
As far as Norton's spouse, I don't need to note how many times Stayrook's or Mazza's wives were shown and ogled about when they made the finals, let alone when they picked up their 7-10s. So let's not even get started on that, otherwise those jumping on the media about it would be hypocrites.
Norton's win was a great win. Nearly bottom of the ladder all the way up (though I will say that Belmo's and Abdulla's performances were great). And if you noticed, not a single bowler on the telecast nor in that entire tournament gave a damn about Norton being gay. If you thought anyone had a problem with it, they would refuse to bowl in the tournament. That would cause more of a furor than anything played in the media, as there would be no tournament to bowl.
In short, there are a lot more moments for the highlight reel than the grandstanding about Norton being gay, and if those here only want to harp on that, like I said, some serious soul searching needs to be done.